Raiffeisen Factor Bank
On the occasion of the annual meetings of the international factors Group (IFG), Board Member Gerhard PRENNER, CEO of Raiffeisen factor Bank AG, has been listed in Madrid as the new Vice Chairman of the IFG. On the occasion of the annual meetings of the international factors Group (IFG), Board Member Gerhard PRENNER, CEO of Raiffeisen factor Bank AG, has been listed in Madrid as the new Vice Chairman of the IFG. IFG is the first International Association of 150 factoring companies in over 50 countries, which counts Raiffeisen factor Bank as a member. At the year’s annual meeting in Madrid, Gerhard PRENNER as Vice Chairman at a record participation was welcomed by 135 participants from his unit. It the challenges to Basel were discussed as well III and their impact on the development of factoring as the networked collaboration on an international basis to support of numerous companies, which already take advantage of factoring both in domestic markets and export or use in the future will be without distinction as to whether it is These are SMEs or large companies. With the nomination of Gerhard PRENNER within the IFG is guaranteed, that due to the exchange of experience also the services of Raiffeisen factor adapted faster Bank, the factoring Bank of the largest Austrian banking group, always the current challenges, to sign up with the company and optimally adjust customers E.g.
on export issues with cross-border sales financing to. The IFS offers employees by factoring companies intensive education and training opportunities within the framework of an own Academy. So the formation is supported by networks, which are good, the company. Gerhard Prenner now has the opportunity to shape the future of factoring not only for the domestic economy in his new role.
Tags: education & career, profession