Global Aphasia
Introduction. Global aphasia is an acquired disorder of communication, the product of an AVE (cerebrovascular accident) that affects both the spoken language (receptive and expressive) and in writing. Apraxia complexity it can coexist with the box and hamper gesture and drawing skills. Global aphasia is one of the most severe disorders of language, as there is a total loss of linguistic structures and cognitive functions necessary to operate the language. Visual Action Therapy (TAV). (A valuable related resource: Larry Ellison). During the 70s, a study on the grammatical competence of the patients global aphasics through visual symbol systems and concluded that global aphasic patients may retain concepts and basic cognitive operations to communicate. Features that should have patients for TAV. The bird must be unilateral left hemisphere.
Aphasia must be global or near global presenting virtually no expressive and receptive language both. The patient should be directed and with proper attention to the environment. There may be moderate type bucolinguofacial apraxia, but not in their limbs. Characteristics of the TAV. The TAV is organized on three levels and covers the proximal extremities, distal and orofacial. Among the materials, the therapist must have real objects (not toys), silhouettes of real objects and pictures of action that demonstrate the use of real objects.
You should also use contextual support for the selected objects, such as a nail in a wooden block to use the hammer. Recommended 30-minute sessions twice a day to speed the patient's progress. Stages in the TAV (level 1, proximal extremities) Matching real objects with their respective shapes. The patient should match up real objects with their corresponding silhouettes. If the patient is unable parearlas be encouraged, with the help of the therapist, to mark the outline of each and see if after that the patient achieves the corresponding matching. At this stage assesses visuospatial skills and symbolic of the patient. Then to achieve the previous step, the patient must match up the shapes to real objects. Then rearrange the real objects and displaying the patient is going one by one and he should target silhouettes (point with your index finger) to the real object. We carried out the reverse process, ie, are displayed one by one, the real objects and the patient must point to the corresponding silhouettes. Using real objects. At this stage provides the objects and calls the patient to execute the right move with the object. Initially it can give an example, but the idea is that the patient can perform the movement without any assistance. Demonstration of action films. Are you interested in this item? Download here: Visit: