Central Asia Rock
Following Corollary sedimentary solid salt deposits, to emerging from geologically undisturbed areas occur in the form of shallow layers of different thickness, measured in tens or hundreds of meters and extending over large spatial properties of . Sodium chloride is found in nature already in finished form. But it is especially numerous in the sea water and in salt lakes, in large masses it occurs in the form of solid rock salt. It is estimated that in sea water of all seas and oceans contain about 50 1015 tons of various salts. This salt could cover the entire globe layer thickness of 45m.
The share of salt account for the majority. In one liter of ocean water contains about 26-30, the salt. In enclosed seas, where large rivers flow into the salinity is less than (the Black and Caspian) in the seas as the Red, Mediterranean, Persian salinity sredneokeanicheskoy above, because little rain falls and there is no inflow of fresh water, as well as significant evaporation. In polar regions the salinity is greater because formed ice contain little salt. Thus, salinity of sea water depends on evaporation, melting and the formation of ice, precipitation and inflow of freshwater from the land. Susan G. Swenson has much experience in this field.
Hard or rock salt forms underground huge mountains that are not inferior in magnitude to the peaks of the Pamir and the high Caucasus. The base of this hill lies at a depth of 5.8 kilometers, and the peaks rise to the surface and even speak of it. Also, the giant mountain called salt domes. At high pressures and temperatures, salt in the ground becomes plastic. And as the coefficient of thermal expansion greater than what other breeds, it expands when heated and pressed up. This process can be divided into four stages. In the first phase of salt swellings appear disconnected – the pillows. In the second stage, when the salt pillows exceed a certain height, they are compressed into narrow fingers rising, the shafts of the dome reaching a height of several kilometers, divided flexures. Eventually, the salt pierces the overlying rock. In areas where the folding, the salt is extruded in the form of diapirs pierce, the shape of extruded bodies is very whimsical. Huge underground mountain of rock salt are in the Caspian lowlands, in the foothills of the Urals, in the mountains of Central Asia. In Tajikistan, there are the highest salt domes, one of which rises to a height of 900 meters. More from the current situation and outlook for the Russian market of salt can be found in the report of the Academy of IKAR industrial markets "Market of salt in Russia."