Provides Privacy Protection
The issue of espionage is booming, and not just since the NSA spying. The ultima ratio GmbH confirms the steady increase of economic espionage and therefore now offers a mobile eavesdropping protection. The ultima ratio GmbH belongs to the detective agency of Lentz Group ( and has focused on the defense of eavesdropping and the tapping protection in this group. Already several years ago, the ultima ratio GmbH has begun a “special team tapping protection” education and training and be equipped with appropriate professional, technical equipment. The high quality standards is the ultima ratio GmbH ( itself, reflected among other things is, that the ultima ratio GmbH is so far the only detective agency in Germany, in defence of listening and tapping protection since the year 2010 TuV-CERT meets the further requirements of the quality standard DIN EN ISO 9001:2008. Active and passive tapping protection In the framework of privacy protection technical arrangements are made and the objects and spaces make sure to prevent the interception of calls and data traffic.
Passive eavesdropping protection rooms, vehicles, communication channels are hedged, not only to allow an interception. Active eavesdropping protection searches targeted existing monitoring techniques such as bugs and the like, usually by technicians who also recognize the bugs their experience richer and accordingly identify. These measures is usually the case that the ultima ratio GmbH is charged spaces, in which regular and/or important, secret take place to hold meetings, to check their special team with the appropriate technical and professional equipment on possible eavesdropping. Micro RF detector case this “classical” field has the ultima ratio GmbH now added for those who travel for business are much result in confidential meetings at different locations and suspected of being in the Hotel rooms, to be listened to in an Office Center or by the customer. Also here can the ultima ratio GmbH as a specialist for listening defense Tapping protection now professionally used help high level. In this case, not the entire team of the ultima ratio GmbH with mobile X-ray equipment, instruments, endoscope camera etc will March on.
This is also not necessary, previously unknown locations is also severely limited the possibility of Lauschangriffes. For effective protection against such eavesdropping, the ultima ratio GmbH now offers a very high quality (made in Germany ) micro-RF-detector in absolute high-end quality for the frequency range 10-12000 MHz. at. After a short briefing the users in the location of the hotel rooms or other spaces is for example in Office centers, etc. interceptions reliably and quickly to search for and if the device reports a bugging to interrupt the meeting immediately or not even to begin. The micro-RF-detector is designed for mobile use thought at once, or not regularly visited places, replaced to detect spontaneous eavesdropping, but not thorough, professional listening defense at its permanent headquarters or in private rooms.