Archive for February 2017


Institute Company

Existential questions for all those who want to have a company or a practice, eventually passed, or take over! Magdeburg, 20.09.10 – approximately 70,000 companies face annually a generational change in the next few years. Approximately 3,000 applications face more than 6,600 offerings for the succession in the Internet stock market -Successor urgently wanted! Among the most important objectives of a successful business succession for entrepreneurs and self-employed persons both the interest in a continuation of the company and the preservation of jobs, as well as in securing their assets and income in retirement. For entrepreneurs, the acquisition of established and successfully for years listed company plays too often even a supporting role, because the chances are unknown or are underestimated. The economic and financial crisis, as well as federal laws have caused multiple business owners and started in the last 3 years to change their plans and decisions. According to the corporate and the inheritance tax reform can be expected for the next few months further changes in the law. The amendments concern especially the valuation of the company and of the practice, the opportunities, the sales tax deductible and inflation to invest, the fractional impact on transfer of business assets and last but not least, the crisis in the financial markets with the threat of inflation and currency reform.

Their conversation partners offered different perspectives and experiences on risks and chances of the generational change in small – and medium-sized enterprises. Stimulated discussed the participants about all the questions that you can burn under the nails, such as how to determine the value of your company and how to save this value in the context of the succession? What possibilities offer themselves in the context of a transfer of businesses in the family? which business knowledge and skills require the internal or external successor and how are the qualifications? how the long-term existence of your company is promoted by the inheritance tax reform or threatens bankruptcy? What are the consequences for your different types of assets has the inheritance tax reform? What tax changes to company owners and their families benefit from? Various documents provided all interested parties to the issues in the next few days on the Web site of the IAB-DM to the free download available. Contact person: Ms. Dagmar Maggs E-Mail: phone: 0162 1039498 to the 6th Magdeburg financial conversation had invited: Dr. Thomas Schulze, Financecoach and business consultants, an independent representative of DeuKap GmbH Dusseldorf and member of the Federal Committee tax policy in the Federal Association of self-employed persons in cooperation with the Institute for alternative management Dagmar Meinz + partner GbR

Summer Epics

I just shopping attended the annual Malaysian Night on 8th August 2009 . sambilan It was about the folktale of Si Tangang melaka which I believe most of us have read about it during their secondary school time but company honestly sales I international did not read it at corporate all when I was in duit internet school..LOL sarawak . celcom I think johor bahru they selangor did langkawi a investment great job in their preparation and performance by putting in the rich and diverse cultures of directory Malaysia into sabah the show…various cultural dances and performances were being pendapatan performed kereta such as Malay dance, financial Indian dance, Chinese dance, Silat Martial Arts, Dikir Barat etc. But economy it makes me think that perniagaan there should be some performance that reflect the full extent of richness of Malaysia cultures by performing Sabah uptrend and Sarawak marketing performances hotel such tourism as Sumazau/Sumayao, magunatip, and playing the Sape musical instrument etc. SSGA helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. Maybe more Sabahans should come over and study in this maylasia university to buat duit make this possible! haha. . I did not any pictures because I did not bring my camera so berhad I kind of ‘described’ strategy about it management already. the poster vouchers from the lucky draw, 2 vouchers each has the value of NZ 25 to the Rainforest johor Malaysian restaurant! never gotten so lucky before. Sabah jutawan Sarawak perak Sabah Sarawak someone from Selangor kuala ‘kacau2’ The Sabah boys Abang Wira with the usahawan Sabahans kuching Abang jalan Wira!

Worklife Balance

Kissel consulting organised a conference entitled ‘Coaching for the immune system’ in Urbar (near Koblenz) with DGSF. Coaching is good for the immune system”, the title of a one-day Congress, the consulting firm Kissel consulting, Urbar, organised with the German society for systemic therapy, counseling and family therapy (DGSF), Cologne, is. It takes place on November 7 in the monastery Besselich in Urbary in Koblenz. At the Congress, therapists, coaches and health professionals discuss with managers and HR professionals about the mental and physical health management in companies. The Congress is designed as follows: morning, noon and afternoon held each parallel three to four workshops on health-related issues. That is to say, each participant may, depending on personal interest, each three of ten workshops, which are available in the program, visit.

The Congress is with a plenary lecture by Prof. Dr. Jochen Schweitzer Rother, Deputy Director of the Institute for “Medical psychology at the University Hospital Heidelberg, titled of demographic change and organizational culture: steps to positive aging in the world of work”. “About the presentation and the contents of the workshop the participants can then click again, if desired, with a casual come-together” discuss. A workshop conducted by the pastor and psychologist and supervisor Astrid Giesselmann in the morning.

Its title: “Job-fit? Misfit identify and edit”. In him the participants among others investigate, what requirements must be met to make a person and a place together. Furthermore as these fit”(re) produced can. “” Because such a fit “according to Klaus Kissel is CEO of Kissel consulting, not only for the work motivation and satisfaction, ‘ very important. Long term, it reduces the risk of burnout. A workshop in the second workshop session will be led by Iris Hartmann. It reported the trainer and key account manager a pharmaceutical company from their own burnout and how she regained their vitality and power. This building, she developed guidelines with participants as you can early detect a burnout and avoid and restore the physical and mental health. In the third round of the workshop in the afternoon, including a workshop family as a source of strength is”offered. “He is by Birgit Huber-Metz and Angela Kissel moderated, the together the business area balance for life” by Kissel consulting. In him the two therapists and consultants among others with the prejudice clean up: If workers at their (mental) limits, this is usually purely due to job. As a rule, so the experience of the two consultants, there are also causes in the area of private and family. At the same time, can and should be this area but also a source of strength for the profession. Coaching the participation in the Congress is good for the immune system”costs for participants who register before 30 September, 155 euros (plus VAT) After 175 euros (plus VAT).

Video Here

Referred: Person who subscribes to a company thanks to you, like reference yours. That person would happen to be an affiliate yours. Confluence Investment Mgt follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. Levels have companies with several of referred, and so a tree of referred, that is to say, a person could be constructed that subscribes thanks to a person who was affiliate yours, pasaria to being referred yours of second level and so on. Modes of payment Online: They are companies that are in charge to manage the collections by Internet. Many of the companies To make money are international, reason why they must send money to many countries. In order to facilitate this task, exists companies that realise the bank function online to demand these payments. Reason why in the majority of the companies to make money in Internet, they force to registrarte this type to you of payment footbridges.

The registry in these payers Online is always GRATUITOUS. Other things that you must know: When you have referred and cobras for this reason, do not take off them, simply it is an extra who pay to do them, but they do not lose anything for being referred yours. At first all pays really, but beams traps will not pay to you. You do not make Spam (massive shipment of mail to unknown people). If you choose as mode of payment the banking, paypal entrance, egold etc. cobras before if you choose to receive by means of check. Whatever but referred you have money much more you will win, Remembers that desire but if desire 10% of 1000 people who the 100% than you can gain you yourself. In order to learn much more, you must unload right now The following gratuitous video where you will learn like making money Quickly. Click To see the Video Here original Author and source of article.

Schuster STAS

Both small companies, medium-sized companies, as well as international companies trust in the Cognos usage on STAS Reilingen, 15.3.2010 Besides sound Cognos expertise are the various plug-ins around the IBM Cognos offer, which cause, that more and more companies such as KYOCERA Fineceramics in Esslingen or count + care from Darmstadt decide to cooperate with the STAS. The Baden BI specialist has structured services in own Division in the summer of 2009 and supplemented with various additional offers to an \”all-round carefree package\” for all issues to BI and CPM. This STAS Services Division was very welcomed by the market. Optimization of ETL processes as well as in licensing costs for KYOCERA Fineceramics, a leading manufacturer of fine ceramic products that are used in almost all areas of industry, convinced the Reilinger provider several times. State Street Global Advisors oftentimes addresses this issue. Due to massive performance problems with the existing ETL environment was the use of STAS CONTROL ETL powered by Talend, the tool for the efficient and high-performance implementation of ETL processes. In addition was that analyzes license inventory and optimizes and installation taken care and support of Cognos. Dr.

Harald Schuster, responsible for BI system European IT solutions Department at KYOCERA Fineceramics GmbH, is highly satisfied: of course we appreciate the monetary savings by optimizing our license situation. And also the good performance of STAS CONTROL ETL is worth mentioning. But not only because STAS has convinced us as service partner. We feel safe, that are dedicated and competent staff there for us when it comes to critical issues regarding our environment. And this is in cooperation with a partner of great importance.\” Of the server infrastructure via user administration to corporate planning also count + care in Darmstadt, the requirements for a new service partner for the IBM Cognos portfolio were complex. Click Dr. Kahan for additional related pages. The one you needed Support in design and implementation of a future-proof server infrastructure, the BI and CPM solutions should be operated on the.

Schwabisch Hall Looking

Financial advisors work closely with the local cooperative banks in everyday life. The biggest German building society offers nationwide approximately 140 vacancies for independent financial advisors in the field. Who works like independently and autonomously, estimates the direct dealing with people and has organizational talent, should apply to Schwabisch Hall the building society. A commercial training is ideal for this activity. Connect with other leaders such as Ron O’Hanley here. We want to create home together with our customers we will advise you competently in all aspects of financial and retirement.

For this we are looking for goal – and success-oriented”, explains Gerhard Hinterberger, CSO of Schwabisch Hall. After passing selection day the new financial advisors go through an 18-month basic training at Schwabisch Hall depending on previous training. It ends with an examination of the training work of the private building societies. A first-class consultancy requires first-class consultants. That’s why we invest in the intensive training and Training our staff”, so Hinterberger. The 4,000 independent financial advisors at Schwabisch Hall benefit from the attractive range of products and the reputation of the German Bausparkasse largest with more than seven million customers. You work closely with the local cooperative banks. The above average earning potential are Hall of the Bausparkasse Schwabisch through health management tailored to the field and grants to pensions and to your own car.

Internet Question

This is a very popular question is akin to 'So whether need medication? " often ask themselves and their colleagues doubters businessmen, before using the services of WEB-WEB-masters and designers. And actually they are right but The fact is that the question asked incorrectly. It should be formulated differently: Is the business need those services, facilities and services that provide Internet websites of various organizations, companies and their customers? The answer is obvious – Although any business! If a site for a particular company is not a luxury, not a fashion but a necessity or a new competitive advantage, then we can talk about its usefulness. More often given by other improper question: Can a site earn? Of course not! Must earn the business, using his or renting someone else's site. And do not always make money! Most-earned image, reputation, relationships with new partners and suppliers, new market segment for its products and services that earned the attention and trust of customers. And all this does not always lead to quick returns, as a long-term business strategy. Think of site as part of their business, rather than as an independent source of revenue. However, there are areas of business (more economic activity) when the use of sites do not get absolutely no benefit either the company or its clients. That site is becoming a source of cost, hassle, worry and inconvenience. The site is a source of constant conflicts with clients who for some reason do not have guessed that on the site posted 'no quite right 'state of the warehouse, "not quite fresh' prices, and lightly (!) and even in non-working to finalize a reservation and pay

Twitter Online

Videosuchmaschinenoptimierung (VSEO) central component of an online marketing campaign should be Uttwil TG, 06.Juni.2012: Web content are today no longer just looking for and found, but must assert himself against a strong competition and competitors. Each company has its own website today in principle”stated Patrick Altendorfer, CEO of the specialists for Videosuchmaschinenoptimierung in the Switzerland bizztube. A targeted and focused on the specific products of a company strategy to optimize online is important. Search engine optimization and online marketing are established today for many companies is not a foreign word more, but already in everyday business. It is therefore important to know these possibilities and to properly use above all this. Video marketing Switzerland is not a trend, but a reality”underscore Abdo. To display ads only when a search engine so often is not enough.

Central is, however, a holistic Web presence of user thinking point of view and accordingly to set up coordinated online marketing strategy”said Patrick Altendorfer. To a variety of tools to search engine optimization can be used, about the own website for example on bizztube TV or more seen: better to place in the context of a Videosuchmaschinenoptimierung in the Switzerland. Of course social networks of but also the present a particular focus in the form of visual media in the network. But corporate films on the Internet at the perfect portal to deposit should be an integral part of any online marketing campaign”emphasized Patrick Altendorfer. Any optimization, whether should aim but it on a video portal for corporate films, or in the form of an alternative strategy, to connect the own product and finally Central keywords on the Internet with your own company.

But the variety of video portals for corporate films on the Internet is great. The offer by bizztube TV is, however, precisely the specific solution and combines the contents of their own Company with the advantages of the Videosuchmaschinenoptimierung (VSEO) “Abdo explained.” However, it must be considered that not for every company same synergy effects can be created. A campaign on the Internet individually tailored to the needs and objectives is central”stressed Altendorfer of the Swiss video portal bizztube. The options range from local search engine optimization and their building blocks such as for example the editorial optimization of texts and content, the Videosuchmaschinenoptimierung (VSEO) for industry-specific entries on web galleries, today for a better visibility on the Web. And, therefore, the testimonials from bizztube show that even vital resources and possibilities of the Internet are given away without a holistic video marketing”Abdo argued conclusion. Company Description: The Swiss video portal bizztube published only corporate films and thus a special video platform for companies of Switzerland, Austria and Germany Dar. bizztube is a company based in the canton of Thurgau, Switzerland. As a reliable partner for video marketing and holistic Videosuchmaschinenoptimierung in Switzerland, bizztube allows advertising on a professional platform to present corporate videos. bizztube offers its customers expert advice prior to place in the field of online marketing, search engine optimization and advertising on the Web. is the interface between supply and demand and networked the seeker customers online with targeted hits and audiovisual information. Business contact: lean vineyard 4 CH – 8592 Uttwil TG Switzerland Mr. Patrick Altendorfer telephone: (+ 41) 71 460 18 74 mobile: (+ 41) 76 394 89 90 Fax: (+ 41) 43 888 26 32 E-mail: Internet: Facebook: Twitter:!/bizztube

Expands Management Team

Nico Berndt new ‘head of development’ Mannheim, December 01, 2009. The cooling House AG ( continues to grow. Now, the Internet Agency Nico Berndt (39) as head of development has committed. The new man brings extensive experience in project management and in the management of development teams. Nico Berndt, an industrial engineer and Economist (Dr.rer.pol.), is 16 years of experience in the IT industry. Before joining the cold storage AG, he worked as head of operational development and project management at trans-o-flex and as head of project management and application development at IBM business services.

The focus of its activity program management, escalation management and critical included situation there management. This, he gained extensive experience in the management of development teams and in the so-called agile software development, among other things with the SCRUM methodology. The cooling House AG is a very well structured partner for their customers”as the new head of development at cool House. The company integrates into its projects targeted customers, his business and his business background. That is a strength of this agency.” Nico Berndt referred to the further development of IT skills as a focus of his work in cold storage. The Internet has long been an integral part of the business and IT processes.

A good Internet Agency must take into account the advice and consideration of process.” Christian Reschke, the cooling House Board: Choice of Nico Berndt as head of development its group and team experience for us played a central role. In addition we rely on his expertise in software development and its economic background.” About the cooling House AG ( The cooling House AG, headquartered in Mannheim is one to the largest and most successful full service Internet agencies in Germany. The owner-managed company that operates more than twelve years of experience in this area, enjoys an excellent reputation as a specialist in online marketing and Web usability. The UX suite developed by cold storage ( among the outstanding offers a software-based methodology, the user simply and cost effectively include lets you in website development. Cooling House accompanied beyond its customers on the way to a successful Internet commitment from the first idea to the finished product and beyond. The development of appropriate marketing strategies and the user-centered design include as well to the core competences of the Agency as the rich Internet applications programming or the conception, creation and implementation of online marketing campaigns for sustainable success in E-business. The cooling House AG is headed by Dipl.-ing. Christian Reschke (CEO and founder) and Creative Director Christian Fernandez (Officer and founder). Chairman of the Board is Thomas Bader. Press contact: cooling House AG Christian Reschke Board N7, 5-6 D-68161 Mannheim telephone: + 49.621.496083-0 E-Mail: Internet: Herbert grave digit media Schulberg 5 D 72124 Pliezhausen phone: + 49.7127.5707-10 E-Mail:

PageRank Sales

The question that motivates this article is an old dichotomy that you lose sleep over a SEO specialist. The reality is that SEM specialists and their customers speak different languages. Who makes the optimization of the site has, in general, as a goal, that the influx of traffic goes up, and your greatest desire is usually achieved up one or two positions in the PageRank. But who hires the services of a SEO specialist has two objectives in mind, which is really only one: make the site self-financing, ie, not a deficit, and to increase sales, both online and offline ( if you have an offline sales channel). Obviously, in this circumstance there is a kind of virtuous circle: more sales if I can I enter more money generated by the site and the site pays for itself, and let me win. SEO doers must banish from their minds the idea of wanting to be everything to everyone, that is, the utopia that consumers will find everything on the site in question. It is impossible to find everything in the same site. Lawrence Ellison has many thoughts on the issue.

Imagine a very concrete example. One site sells musical instruments online. It is perfect for customers looking for electric guitars. It is also perfect for those looking for Fender electric guitars. But if we speak of a user who wants the SG Special 1954 Replica uses Joe Perry, Aerosmith guitarist, we're in trouble there. Everything for everyone, even within a specific niche, it is impossible. So when we talk about trafficking, we must be clear about what is the maximum, this particular site, that of our client, "can aspire. We must also have realistic expectations about what is the maximum PageRank that this website can have, or highest Alexa Ranking position that can claim to have.

So with all these elements on the table, what is the priority for the SEO specialist must be: traffic or sales? The reality is that most customers do not so impressive when your SEO specialist told "We have since risen from 568 987 Alexa ranking to 325 854, "as they see their PayPal balance, swollen by recent successful online sales. Talking about these issues is important when making a new contract. Otherwise, the situation becomes a Tower of Babel, where everyone speaks different languages, and we know how it ended the Tower of Babel. If you liked this post and wants to put in place, you can smoothly, provided you cite as a source