National Week
The Christian enters into communion with Christ, not only when it is consumed the sacred way, but also when it finds its sacramental presence, and remains El Emmanuel outside the celebration of the mass, and undergoes its action of irradiation, and communication, while the Church by appealing to their right of wife retains the body of Christ, the faithful Christian does another thing that respond to the auto permanent donation of Christ. The sacred sacramental presence, waiting for response from host, we can say that no acts, if not found, not found but when is welcomed. In vain will emit a radio station, if there is a receiver device adapted to the permanent presence of Christ in the Tabernacle wavelength, is a call that is continually emitting the presence of Christ and a receiver heart makes it lack for tuning with the issuer. Tune is to enter into communion with him who has become everything in love as her father, that is why every Eucharistic practice must start always desire to tune with Christ and with his sentiment. If I’m going to an exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, not do Christ tune with my feelings with my concerns, but I have to tune with the, with that mystery, and the already tell us, we will talk, we will require, let that the us talk, tell us what the wants, and not what we want that the tell us.
The presence of Christ in the sacrament requires every believer the Act of faith and worship, the opening to the transcendent, the encounter in silent prayer of worship with him who is the Tu divine, which is directed to the your human. Love welcomes the other and leave the other to welcome him, establishing a reciprocity between two beings who love each other.