Social Insurance Fund
To prove his signature on the application by the notary, shall be documents for registration in registration authority (in Moscow is doing Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia 46 of Moscow). Note that when you make statements form number R11001 information in it and in the Charter to coincide, especially full, abbreviated and brand name. If the application you have company name in English, then in the Constitution it must also be specified. If you do not wish to have a brand name, the statement needs to be done dash. After receiving the documents recorded in a week, you are making printing, making copies of constituent documents and open a bank account. Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia 46 of Moscow is working on a "single window", so you are freed from the obligation to register Mosgorstat, the Social Insurance Fund, Pension Fund and Mandatory Medical Insurance Fund, it will do the registering authority, if not technical failures. More info: baby clothes. But as a rule, the notice at the registered office does not send, so you will need to attend extra-budgetary funds and get the documents themselves. Next, you pick Rent for office or industrial premises.
Do not forget to employ educated and experienced accountant. Procedure for registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur to register natural person as an individual entrepreneur you must first select codes of economic activities according to nace, select the tax regime. Here from experts in the field like Lawrence Ellison for a more varied view. If you decide to choose a simplified system tax treatment, you must complete two application form to go to the usn, and then submit an application form number R21001, which signature notarize. Pay a state fee of 800 rubles hand over the statement and a photocopy of the personal Passport of citizen of the Russian Federation to the registering authority. After 5 days, get registered documents: Certificate of state registration, notification of assignment of tin and an excerpt from egrip. Further, receiving bodies Statistics (Mosgorstat, Moscow), an information letter codes nace, receive notification of registration as an insurer in the territorial office of the Social Insurance Fund, the notice of registration individual entrepreneur in the territorial office of the Pension Fund and the Certificate of Registration of the insured in the Moscow branch of the Mandatory Medical Insurance Fund.
May make a print. Then open a bank account, and start working. Do not forget to employ educated and experienced accountant. In all the above cases, the applicant himself its documents to the registering authority or send the documents by registered mail with a list of attachments in the mail. In the first case, the applicant himself may get a set of registered documents or to entrust it to their representative by proxy. Power of attorney may be formalized in writing. In the second case the registrar shall send the documents at the place of residence of the individual entrepreneur