Agency Bank

I worked in a city where three outlaws had entered in the banking agency and had announced the assault. The safe of the bank was programmed to only open in definitive hours, but the thieves already had science of this obstacle. The guard of the bank was relieved and by it the firearm was taken. One of the meliantes pointed the weapon with respect to head of the manager and ordered that he was quiet until the moment of being able to open the safe. Another one was watching the door and alone it allowed the entrance of customers. They had commanded that the excessively employee boxes and dissimulated that it was all normal one, as well as the customers, who would have to remain in line.

The things were transcorrendo well for the outlaws until a passer-by passed and distrusted that she had something of made a mistake. The person noticed that only she had people entering in the agency and nobody leaving. The citizen, in intention to give its contribution, bound for the telephone of urgency of polices to militate (190) to count of its diffidence, understanding she polices that it would have to confer what in fact she was occurring. In the units of he polices to always militate is some agent taking care of linkings and repassing them for the colleagues who are in the viaturas. The planto soldier received that information from the anonymous person and decided to take provides. It caught the telephone and bound for the banking agency.

The bell of the telephone touched and the manager asked for permission to the thief to take care of, therefore, of the opposite, somebody could distrust. This certainty, agreed the delinquent, takes care of and looks at there what you go to speak, bawls keeping it in the nape of the neck of the man of the bank. The manager takes care of: good day, in I can help it? The soldier of the other side asks: This having assault there in the bank? He waits that I go to verify, answers the manager. He goes until the listing and he dissimulates to look at the banking balance of some customer. Al! I want to inform the Mr. who its balance is positive. He is positive! I do not want to know the balance of my account, retruca the military man, my question I am if the agency of the bank this being assaulted. The clock favors the outlaws and arrives the hour of the safe to open. Of inside the brothers metralhas apanham seventy a thousand Reals and gives in the foot. In the sequencia maximum authority of the agency binds for polices and speaks to the attendant: You are donkey? I was with one to dig pointed with respect to my head when you bound. He finds you that I could say: operative positive and. It comes that it has three faces taking of assault agency. The viatura appears to the bank to make the occurrence bulletin. That soldier was white of chacota of all corporation for a good time. He has people that she is thus, not enxerga nor a handspan beyond the nose. She is necessary to draw to understand. They had understood the told one above or wants that I explain?



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