Wooden Houses

A wooden house can be build in any location, virtually any soil. For its erection suitable conveyor or pile foundation, as a rule, shallow bookmarks. Therefore, other things being equal, such a house would cost in 1,5-2 times cheaper brick, and on its thermal properties and durability will be comparable with the latter. Hut of the xxi century was a time when Russia all are built of wood – from peasant to princely houses the chambers. That house was a traditional Russian housing. However, due to many natural causes associated with the shortcomings of wood as a building material, with the passage of time preference are given to buildings of brick, and later – composite blocks. Today, the natural disadvantages of wood begin to address already in the preliminary stages of production.

It is known that the average moisture content of wood is about 70%. Therefore, we first need the wood is dried, and then it impregnated with different chemical composition. Special antiseptics ( Bio "," Cram-C "," Biokron "and others) provide reliable protection against rot and insects. The use of fire retardants and biopirenov (Norteks " "Pirilaks", etc.) significantly reduces the risk of fire wood. Therefore, the life of a modern wooden house is large enough. According to the chief of the secondary sales of suburban property company Soho Realty Maxim Suharkova, it is about 100-150 years. Contemporary wooden construction can be divided into three main areas: the carcass (home from solid wood), frame and panel. At the same time, many construction companies offer a wide variety of standard designs, differing architectural and design solutions.



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