The School
However, as he was well salient in you say them to both, the school must be prepared for inclusion duly warned becomes only plus a pretty act in speaks, but engavetado between as much other educational processes, that in the practical one, only exist in the paper. As the point to be treated in the interview was the vision of the school concerning the inclusion and as it occurs inside of the school, properly said: What it made the school the reply becomes inclusive had been the following ones: first, the Legislation, that guarantee to all the citizens, the right to belong to the school, being received, independently of its deficiencies. In second, to the agreement of that an educational system inclusive part of principle of that all the children can learn since that if it respects and it recognizes the differences of age, sex, etnia, language, deficiencies or inabilidades. still, due to understanding of an including, efficient educative process, that it evolves constantly, not limited to the lacks of adjusted resources, or to the deficiencies of the pupils. If we intend an inclusive education, is urgent that let us make a redefinition of plans and let us trace goals, aiming at a school directed toward the global citizenship. this is our objective. It is understood thus, a will to argue and to renew the planning, the vises educational on the inclusion, searching ways practical and possible to work with the different ones.
Nothing more correct, when the question is inclusion, of what being open to the collective quarrels, to the debates on the joined difficulties inside of the school, as much as for the applied methodologies, how much to the materials and difficulties faced for the pertaining to school team. One knows that this is not a simple ones task, that can be developed in little time, but the attempt to make what he is correct and above all, being based in the education vision that the unit school believes, already notices an evolution possible and opened to include to that before they were to the edge of the society and the school. In this direction, one perceives that to obtain to remodel the institution pertaining to school, first we have that to change the opinions of all the involved ones in the educative scene. However, it is practically impossible to reformulate ideas, without if it carries through a previous reform of the institutions. 4. FINAL CONSIDERAES We are involved in a crisis of educational paradigms, that requires a search of alternatives, thus demanding, beyond to guide for the changes, a new ardor to live deeply the moment that is being considered. One expects that the school is an alive space of formation for all. In this context, a truily inclusive environment requires directed public politics of education to the inclusion, beyond involved educators seriously with the changes, showing that the inclusion is a moment of profits for professors and pertaining to school community as a whole. Clearly that such changes of perspective demand much more of what to go to the school and to make what all day of skill becomes the same. Significant practical one, that develops an education based on diversi
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