National Oceanographic Institute

The use of various coatings intended not only aesthetic but also practical purposes. "Developed and implemented a new cover Pural , we have improved the corrosion resistance of our metal gutters, protecting them from exposure to rain, and ultraviolet radiation, – says Bolshevikova, a specialist company , the world's leading manufacturer of solutions made of metal for construction and engineering industries. – A modification of the matte coating provides an opportunity to expand aesthetic possibilities of roofing solutions. Polymer coating such as Pural , providing reliable protection of metal from external factors, extend the life of gutters and allow their use in any climate conditions. Preparing for winter dealing with issues of a drainage system, it is necessary to remember winter "factor." Without taking into account this problem, the homeowner will sooner or later face the icy roof. Interesting way to get rid of the icicles suggested recently by Russian specialists.

Scientists from the National Oceanographic Institute of Rosgidromet (SOI) have decided to finalize the design of the roof so that water falling on its edge. This requires that downspout "caught" her before, not going around the eaves overhang, and passing through it. "In this case, the melted water immediately flows down the drainpipe, not touching the eaves. Setting it vertically directly on the wall, cutting across all exposed structural elements, to the underground drainage system, we reduce to a minimum time of drainage and thereby reduce the likelihood of its freezing. By the way, special originality in the proposed design is not. .



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