Modern Rental Buildings
Standard monolithic houses not being built. Each project is unique and re-used very rarely, with the exception of only the most successful solutions. The main advantage of the monolith – free planning. Sir Richard Branson shines more light on the discussion. The apartment may not have any partitions. Number of rooms determined by the number of windows. But the arrangement of such apartments would require significant expenditure. It should be noted another important circumstance.
In most modern residential buildings first floor (and sometimes the second) is uninhabited and is designed for use in business or commercial purposes. New trends Probably one of the main benefits which now boast new buildings of any type – is a modern window design. The vast majority of developers prefer boxes made of pvc. This trend is explained by experts propleks group of companies, Russia's largest manufacturer of pvc window-profile of Austrian technology, explains the best quality / price ratio. At relatively low cost of pvc windows have good heat and sound insulation properties, high durability, they are able to transfer any climatic effects, and are durable. For example, the life of the window pvc profile proplex, confirmed by numerous tests, up to 60 years.
Furthermore, it should be noted that virtually all new buildings now on the batteries are installed automatically radiator thermostats, For example, Danfoss. These small devices control the temperature of radiators, maintaining a comfortable indoor atmosphere. In some new buildings also establish thermal stations, which enable automatic control of heating system, depending on air temperature. Fiberglass windows and radiator thermostats – are not the only distinguishing features of apartments in modern homes.
Tags: construction and repair