Mexican Republic
For test a better button or I decide several, because nonin agreement with to us to have dragged finally to one of the so many known ends of the poverty, they have announced to us that we must be tightened plus the belt and still support the listed length of increases that are about to impose to us, we pay attention to the following thing, our present president, gift Felipe, not only it arrived at presidency of the Mexican Republic promising among others things that the abusive payment of possession would clear imposed and thief from 1968 – and not us has fulfilled but now, with the hand in the waist, it guarantees the proposal of its obese and unproductive secretary of property who propose to increase to the IVA a 2% quesque to help to the poor men being this obligation of the government and not of the town, to eliminate gasoline subsidies, electricity and gas being that they have sucked literally per years of these headings, to increase the ISR of 26 to 28% and increases similar to producers of cigarettes, embriagantes drinks and some services more, being that to help to the poor men if truly they wanted to do it, although I no longer create nor mothers to them would have to begin to reduce the number of deputies and in addition to reduce to them to the wage at the end of all the accounts or enough benefits they receive the useless ones maintained no? – not only them but also the great secretaries and employees and to the same president who not only gain thousands and thousands of pesos to the month but we followed being we, the pisoteado Mexican town, who we maintain its meals, its dinners, their personal suits of mark and their expenses without receiving nothing in return chew a handspan of noses and an increase in the taxes, that in my town is called impudence, cynicism and contumelia. In short, for my sadness, I cannot tell wonders to the small Luis Ricardo in its fortunate arrival to this earth but I can do a promise to him that not only either is being developed but it is going to burst at the awaited moment the less, people begins not only to realize but also he has begun to act of different ways, some we will stop paying taxes, others we will stop consuming habitual products and will decide on certain duty free alternatives, others the more will go direct to the grain and we will begin to make dots and to perhaps place blankets saying OR COARSE and other many, decide to raise the voice and to demonstrate to them that up to here their abuses arrived, his rateras and hauled his and that the one that pays offer. (Source: Eric Kuby). Welcome to this tierrita Luis Ricardo, I so far promise to you not to stop in the words that stop or or for evil, as something they will serve. And your reader, even when you continue tolerating as much trampling your efforts?. Munear Ashton Kouzbari shines more light on the discussion.
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