International Forestry Research

Sources of energy consumption daily globally [46] differentiating between developed and developing countries. The fact that consumption patterns in developed countries (~ 90% of the overall population) are going to switch to a diet with high proportions of animal products suggests that aggravate the problem of ecological agriculture ineffective.
Quantity of water needed to produce the main food (Source: Unesco) [47]

According to a recent report [48] of the United Nations for Food and Agriculture (FAO):
“The livestock sector generates more greenhouse gases? 18 percent, measured in the equivalent amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) – the transport sector. It is also a major cause of land degradation and resource water. “
Organization of the United Nations Food and Agriculture (FAO)
The report CIWF 1999 on “Livestock and industrial environment” (Factory Farming and the Environment) [49] reads as follows:
“The production of animal protein represents an inefficient use of water resources and land. The farm animals converted plant proteins in animal protein with a low efficiency? Usually around 30% -40% and only 8% for the production of beef ?.(..) In the next two decades, will become much more urgent problem of how to feed at least 8,000 million people while also protecting the natural resources of the land, water, air and wild animals. The extension of intensive animal factories throughout the world can not be considered as a sustainable solution. “
CIWF (abbreviated Citation)
The consumption habits in developing countries are changing to a diet containing ever higher proportions of animal products, which will aggravate the problem in coming years. [46] [50] The estimates of the Organization United Nations Food and Agriculture (FAO), due to increased population and purchasing power of countries like China and India, indicate that, if not reversed the trend, the production of meat and milk will double soon 2050. [51]
The reports [52] of the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) indicate that the rapid growth in sales of Brazilian beef, has accelerated the destruction of the rainforest of the Amazon. “They are destroying the Amazon to produce meat for hamburgers” [53], according to the director general of the center, David Kaimowitz. The report “devours the Amazon” [54] talks about that Amazon deforestation is taking place to introduce crops of soybeans and soybean how this ends up being exported for feeding cattle just serving food at fast food chains and supermarkets.<



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