Chairman Christian Baumler
The CDU social committees (CDA) engage Congress in the CDU at the weekend in Friedrichshafen with various amendments to the compulsory school year children, uniform clothing for school, school lunches, basic school recommendation, against to be exploitative child labour and establishing a ban by blood tests for job applicants in one new employee data protection act,. The CDA Baden-Wurttemberg welcomes the intention to introduce a compulsory and free for children school year. However, a temporal concretization is essential for the realization of this intention. We have tabled therefore Party Congress a proposal for the CDU in Friedrichshafen asking that 2011 will be introduced the compulsory and free children school in Baden-Wurttemberg,”declared the CDA land Chairman Christian Baumler. The CDU Social committees are also in favour of their claim after a uniform clothing for school. This may not have of course aims to introduce expensive school uniforms for the students. But it comes that no students will be disadvantaged because of his origin in the social life of the school, the country head of the CDA stressed Christian Baumler.
We want to give the opportunity the schools, by decision of the Conference of the school to introduce a consistent and defined according to their school clothes, Baumler explained. Another important concern is the CDU social committees the school lunches. Healthy food and tableware are important preconditions for the development of children. The CDA Executive Committee supports the introduction of a quality seal with guidelines for healthy eating for lunch all day centres. Parent and school associations, which offer a food for students, must be supported. We encourage the issue of school lunches for vouchers, to to enable the participation of all students at the school dinner”the country said the CDU social committees Christian Baumler.
The cost of school meals for children in need must refundable therefore the school boards directly from the makers of the social basic insurance”, so BA next. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Accenture Strategy. The CDU social committees continue to demand the enforcement of the conventions of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) No. 138 and no. 182. These conventions protect children in the primary school age, employed outside their family depending on prior health debilitating work. Specifically, it is to children, involving the use of explosives, win grave or paving stones in quarries or ruin their hands through the knotting of carpets. The CDU social committees the Government, districts, towns and municipalities and all contracting authorities urge, the provisions of the new public procurement law, especially in regard to the observance of internationally agreed minimum standards, as set out in the ILO Conventions 138 and 182 are set to use according to the decision of the Parliament of May 2008. The CDA will apply also to the employee privacy. Investigations of blood of job applicants and employees should be prohibited in the future about the new employee data protection act.
Tags: politics, society & social issues