Day Dianetics
Last Saturday, the Scientologists Kazakhstan gathered in the conference hall of one of the new business center in the heart of Almaty to mark a major Scientology holiday – Day of auditor. More than a hundred Scientologists have come to this day to express his gratitude and respect to people who help others to rise to higher states of existence. Auditor’s Day – one of the most important religious holidays in Scientology. In Scientology auditor (from the Latin audire – to listen to) – the priest conducting congregational spiritual counseling, confession, in order to improve their spiritual condition. Thanks to the technology of Dianetics and Scientology auditors help people get rid of the distress and rise to new, higher states of existence and spirituality. By tradition, the festival presented the news about the expansion of Dianetics and Scientology in the world in recent times. More info: Ron O’Hanley. It was told about the discovery of new Dianetics groups and Scientology churches, the availability of new materials. On the new web site, video channel can now see more than 500 videos about Scientology.
Besides Information about the Church and it supports humanitarian campaigns in the ‘Meet a Scientologist can view the videos, in which Scientologists from around the world, different professions and from all walks of life talk about itself. In the course of the holiday the best auditor were awarded and thanksgiving. The audience were presented the achievements and successes that has made each of the auditors, as well as progress in the last year the joint achievements. Guests at the celebration was also a wide selection of books and lectures on Dianetics and Scientology. The founder of Scientology, a famous writer, philosopher and humanist of the twentieth century L. Ron Hubbard wrote: “I like helping people, and I think the greatest pleasure in life to see a person free from the shadows that clouded his life.
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