Charisma Business Coach

Discussing with members of the little-known coach training, as a rule, is one opinion about him – Coach wonderful! But, addressing the topic of a certain coach or business consultant, quite often hear the term ‘charismatic Business Coach ‘. What is charisma and how does it come from? That’s the topic we have touched on one of his meetings with fellow coaches. Helen (coach): Amazing theme! Many quality coaches that make up the charisma, are produced. I I think that charisma – a sum of its parts: experiences, work, continuous learning, love of the audience, a desire to share our experience and openness to the perception of the experience of its members … One of my ‘chips’ – it’s remembering names participants, literally from the second hour of work, I know everyone by name (even if 35 people) and by offering the participants ‘answers during the debate, saying:’ Yes, please, Mr (Mary, John …..)’.

More often call members by name – it the most powerful positive anchor (as they say NLPery) and I can confirm that his long experience. Basil (trainer and consultant): Helen, I think that you are the most important – like the group to get away approval. But our job is first and foremost goal of the training. Just change the priorities. Business coach must not like it, it should help the group achieve a result, they planned and expected.

They us the money We do not pay for what we are charismatic, handsome, intelligent … and for what we can really assist in achieving the goal. Julia (coach): Regarding the charisma … Extremely personal conviction. Charisma – it’s not something that man has, and what that occurs in the other person, in response to the first. In some, it turns out: look, talk, breathe, move, ‘create image’. And it’s done so seamlessly, so pure, that is visible to the master’s hand – charisma. Someone else learning. In my opinion, do not bother to charisma. This is – a logical extension of your work on technique of business training (training on sales, negotiating, etc.). And exactly – it vyrabatyvaemo. So, my colleagues tried to find out what a charisma coach. And it’s worth noting that the market for training services, the client is willing to pay quite often it is a charisma .. Just do not confuse charisma with show training. No matter what conducts training coach: team building, sales training, guerilla marketing, or training on taymmenedzhmentu need a final result. The result is not the same admiration for the trainees, and how skill he mastered after completing the training. Perhaps the ability to transfer specific skills training to more participants – is the skill and charisma serves as a tool to transfer?

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