Archive for February 2019


Roberto Dynamo Burciaga Procedures

The franchisor controls the design of the restaurant, sells equipment and food evenly, and supplied scripts for sale to people that serves customer service and detailed procedures to prepare the meal. Under this concept of development of business, its owner to start with an idea of How should see the business when this finished. You can start by placing your name in all the boxes of a functional organizational chart of the company to be created. Thus begins to document the organization with a list of responsibilities of the Director-General and under his command the managements of marketing and sales, operations, finance and administration, and if applicable, human resources. Gradually, the business owner test and measured in documentary form, procedures of each position and each function by another person, selected and trained until the owner of the business is no longer required their presence within this for nothing is replacing. Without hesitation Larry Ellison explained all about the problem. This is working for business, not in the business.

In RLS we can support you to work to and not only in your business. The key to developing the manuals of procedures and measurement systems, is the phrase here this as we do here. Finally, the business becomes as a game, a place of learning where each person finds his personal satisfaction to play its part in accordance with their best skills. Every morning the business owner should ask is going to a business or I am addressing my chamba. And if I go to my job, I’m going to do in this respect do small business owners should thank Michael Gerber for his profound observations and challenges presented to us in this effective model of institutional change. If you want to comment on this article please contact with Roberto Dynamo Burciaga, who warmly you support.

Natural Way

We believe that the child, through the poetry, it transforms the word into toy and the dream in reality. Everything this in natural way, stimulating the taste and the pleasure for the act to read. Manuel Flag was born in Recife, in 1886, and faleceu in Rio De Janeiro, 1968. He was professor, poet, cronista, critic and literary historian. One is about a great modernista poet, wrote its poems with aesthetic quality.

It knew to conduct itself the child with the poetical word, granting to it treatment magical. The poet, when writing its poems, remembers its infancy, therefore at diverse moments he speaks of its life for the infantile public. Flag became capable of in them convincing all our devaneios and children and in accordance with deserves to be remembered the estimated ones to them of Alfredo Bosi: Reply to the present ingrate it is, in the mythical poetry, ressacralizao of the memory deepest of the community. when the mythology of traditional base imperfection, or some way already does not enter in this project of refusal, is always possible to investigate and to rummage the layers of psique individual. The poetry will work, then, the language of stressed infancy, the metaphor of the desire, the text of the unconscious one, the grafia of the dream: … The poetry recompe each time more arduously the magical universe that the new times renegam. (BOSI, 1977, p.150). Infancy discloses to the poet a magic, loaded world of joy, inspirer that recoups a lost time.

This infantile world in remembers the proper infancy to them of the poet, who lived its meninice in Recife. The Brazilian infantile poetry if initiated in century XIX and was become enlarged in the first years of century XX. It enters the Brazilians who at this time had written poetry for children, we can exemplificar Olavo Bilac. The instructive verses that composed its poetries, considered ‘ ‘ edificantes’ ‘ , in the direction to contribute to form citizens of good feelings, compromised to the educative task of the school.