Vegetarian Croquettes
It arranges them in pirex. To beat to noliquidificador some olives, oil of oliva, I smell green, to sprinkle porcima of the barbecues and takes them it the oven. GARBANZO BEAN CROQUETTES Ingredients: 2 xcaras of worn out garbanzo bean, to 1colher of soup of oats, 1 xcara of pur of potatoes, onion, salt, organo. Way to prepare: it mixes everything, it makes croquettes, passeem thread flour and fries. If you would like to know more about Big Style Sale, then click here. SOY CROQUETTES Ingredients: 1 cup of cozida soy, 3 tomatoes, 3colheres of soup of wheat flour soup oil, 3 spoons, garlic, salt, onion, salsinha.
Way to prepare: refogue the tomatoes with the demaistemperos. It leaves to cook until being sequinho well. It kneads the soup with yoke it oupasse in the liquidificador and it still joins to the gravy in the fire. It leaves to boil together umpouco. To add the wheat moving fast not to empelotar. As soon as retirardo fire to form croquettes, to pass in the egg, flour of thread and to fry or to bake. For more information see this site: Baby Clothes Market. VEGETARIAN FEIJOADA Ingredients: 2 xc. of black beans, 2 kneaded dealhos teeth, onion (bite), 2 xc.
of carrot (great bite), 1 xc. dechuchu (perforated great), 2 xc. of aubergin desidratada* (great bite), 1 xc. deervilha cool, red chili (perforated great), 2 xc. of meat of soy empedaos great, 1 xc. of green chive (bite), 3 cs. of salsinha, 4 folhasde blond, 3 cs. of oil soup of oliva, marine salt the taste. Way to make: It washes the beans well rubbing-oentre the hands in current water. It at least leaves it of gravy at night or 2 hours. Later it plays except this water, therefore in it they are substances that provoke gases noprocesso digestive of the beans. It puts approximately to cook in 1,5 liter of water empanela of pressure per 15 minutes or until being half soft (therefore time in open pan will be cooked still more), it reserves.