Job Employees

Thus killed two birds with one stone selected effective recruiters and closed Job … The relationship with candidates. Established the so-called "Bill of Rights candidates" who are writing to set standards for relationships with all potential bidders. $ 25 for failure. The candidates who receive the refusal to interview, as compensation will receive a certificate for $ 25, which is activated if the applicant will open an account at the bank. This measure mitigates the negative effect of failure and makes possible dissatisfied candidates for potential clients. Read additional details here: Ron Ohanley. It is believed that all candidates for the job, but it is, and bank customers. And if handled correctly, they still bring profit to the bank …

results and outcomes. Here, David Fowler expresses very clear opinions on the subject. Have unique methods of recruitment are not enough. They do not make sense if the company does not create a competitive advantage, do not provide measurable results and increase profits. Here are some results achieved complex methods of "aggressive recruiting" described in 1 and 2 of this article: – In 2004, the Bank lured the best pros in 107 competitors, while he at the same time lost only fifty-one expert, in 2005, things got better and the score was 68: 25 … favor of our bank – the average closing time jobs decreased to 18 days – the total cost of searching for candidates decreased by 50% – 45% increase in the number of free advice from the candidates – the cost of services recruitment agencies fell by 78% – improved quality of employees hired, according to appraisals by …% – increased satisfaction of internal customers – line managers – 35% reduction in the number of dismissal during the probationary period – the company was registered in professional competitions, as the most innovative in the matter of recruitment, which also worked positively on the image of the employer. Despite these impressive results, work still have something. Here are some of our plans for the Bank in the near future: – to update corporate website, making a convenient feedback from prospective employees – enhancing its brand at the level state, go to the level of fame and obscheamerikanskoy further to the international level: – to introduce a program to encourage line managers in effective recruitment, development and retention – with increasing popularity of the bank he may soon become a target for the "bounty hunters" and poachers staff … So should pay particular attention to the serious measures to retain employees – in order to save time and resources will be even more use of online techniques for assessing, interviewing and interactive communication with candidates – to prepare a plan of active selection and promotion of talent in branches and regions; As the war for talented employees increases with each passing month, the success will be those companies that practice a new, active and even aggressive methods of recruiting …

The Banks

further development (I have a possibility of further development in this organization, I can learn a lot, I I get a promotion, more interesting responsibilities, higher pay / here will not be a career, I prosizhu in this position for 10 years and nothing changes, I have no way to transfer to another department, to another post, I did not learn anything here / further development does not interest me, I’m not going to take a higher position, I was happy with everything as it is, I never thought about it) 7. value of the company (I share the values of the company I am guided by them in everyday life / I do not understand, do not share the values of the company, they make me rejection, this is double standards, no one truly does not believe it, I have to pretend to be like everybody else / what is it? the company has value? never even heard of) 8. Sheryl Sandberg has firm opinions on the matter. sector (working in retail, in B2B, the production, etc., has always been my dream, this is a stable, reliable sector, I would not want to work in another sector (if you work in the company’s sell marble, would you like to try his hand at the store? And at the factory? And in the company to provide services for the population?), I am proud that my company …. (Building houses, providing services to the public, helping people realize their dreams by providing loans) / I do not like the scope of the company, I would have moved to another sector, in the everyday life of me, this sector is not interested in (depressing, I think such activities as immoral, unnecessary …