Sunat Capital

-The workers are entitled to at least R.M.V. (S /. 500 per month)-the working day is 8 hours per day or 48 hours per week maximum. In night work shall not apply the envelope rate of 35%, according to D.S. 007-2002-TR.

-Holiday at least 15 calendar days for each full year of service. -SMEs are exempted from 70% of payment rights administrative procedures. 12. Main forms corporate 12.1 main S.R.L. limited liability company characteristics:-the capital is divided into shares. -The capital contribution can be in cash or goods. -The number of partners may not exceed 20 persons, whether natural or legal.

-Your liability is limited, only the assets of the company responds to the debts of the company. 12.2 Corporation concept: is a voluntary association of people who agree to contribute goods, to end carry out the exploitation of an economic activity. Classes: they can be regular corporations, closed or open. Main features:-capital is divided through actions such as titles values representing aliquot parts of the capital. -For regular S.A. and the closed S.A. Members minimum number is 2 and maximum of 20. -Bodies: the general meeting of shareholders, the directory and management. -Responsibility: responsibility is limited, only the assets of the company responds to the debts of the company. 12.3. Proprietorship of responsibility limited concept: the sole proprietorship was born as a legal form in which a person (unilateral willingness) devotes part of its heritage for the development of a business or the exercise of an economic activity, enjoying the benefit of limited liability. Main features – Capital: the contribution can be in cash or goods furniture, estate. -Owner: grantor has necessarily a natural person. -Organs: the owner and management. -Liability is limited, only the assets of the company responds to the debts of this. 13. Entire enterprise FORMALIZATION, are natural or legal persons, to start their activities, should obtain records and licenses that are requirements for the performance of their duties, these are:-single registry of taxpayers RUC, awarded by Sunat.



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