Social Vulnerability
Yellow House inhabits in the quarter of New Discovery/, in the zone north of Recife. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Bill O’Grady. Stream of the Eucalipto is folloied by the PSF, and by the NASF. One becomes necessary to stand out that the presented story is truthful and faithful to the facts. However, by an ethical question and of secrecy, the names of the members of the family had been modified. Word-key: Primary attention to the Health, PSF, NASF, Shelter; Risk and Social Vulnerability, Intersetorialidade.
The Program Health of Famlia (PSF) was considered in 1994 as a strategy of reorientation of the assistencial model, based in the work of multiprofessional teams in Basic Units of Sade (UBS). See more detailed opinions by reading what Ron O’Hanley offers on the topic.. Structure in a unit of health, with multiprofessional team, that assumes the responsibility for one determined population, in territory defined, where it develops its action. It is combined in a net of services, of form that if guarantees attention integral to the individuals and families, assured the reference and against-reference for the diverse levels of the system of problems identified in the basic attention. One consists as process of reform of the Only System of Sade (SUS), receiving the mission from being ' ' estruturante axle of the organization of the services in the scope of the public system of health in the Brasil' '. Initially formulated as program, it passes to be defined and to be defended as strategy, especially from 1997, date of the second publication of the Health department on concepts, objectives, lines of direction and implementation of the PSF. It was with the objective to support the insertion of the Strategy of Health of the Family in the net of services, beyond extending the abrangncia and the target of the actions of the Basic Attention, and increasing the resolutividade of it, strengthening the processes of territorializao and regionalizao in health that the Health department created the Nuclei of Support to the Health of Family (NASF), by means of Portaria GM n 154, of 24 of January of 2008.
Tags: psychology