Reactive Power Compensation
Overview of the generation and consumption of reactive power in electrical networks all the processes in electrical systems, it is common to characterize using three parameters: voltage, current and power P. However, for convenience of calculation and accounting of electricity is also used, and other options, including an option as the reactive power Q, which is used to create electric and magnetic fields, without which the work converting devices (transformers, various types of transducers and other devices) by virtue of their physical properties is impossible. In this case, the inductance consumes reactive power and capacity of its generating. Full power in ac circuits is the product of current I on the voltage U, and for three-phase ac circuits, it is equal to 1,2: S = V3IU = V (P2 + Q2), where S, P and Q – a full, active and reactive power, respectively, p – shift angle between voltage and current; cos (p – power factor is an indicator of reactive power consumption and showing the ratio of active power P and the total power of 5 (sozf = P / 5); thp – ratio of reactive power. It note that only the active power P, due to the transformation of the energy of the primary engine derived from a natural source, into electricity, can perform work and converted into useful mechanical, heat, light and chemical energy. As for the reactive power Q, it is not connected with the performance of useful work, but only spent on the creation of electromagnetic fields in electric motors, transformers, induction furnaces, welding transformers, chokes and lighting.
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