
Registration of companies – an important step in creating the organization, begin it once to determine the appropriate legal form. Please be aware that some forms of ownership is not permissible conduct certain activities. For example, auditing services can be engaged, creating a sales organization, and education – only profit. Ron O’Hanley will undoubtedly add to your understanding. Commercial organizations may be represented as limited liability companies, closed joint stock company, joint stock company, a unitary enterprise. Association, partnership, association, etc. – The kinds of nonprofit organizations. Among founders of nonprofit organizations may be legal, and individuals. In the charter documents of any and all organizations must have a point about the purposes for which it was created.

Note that such legal forms as an LLC and company alike. The essential difference is that the registration is accompanied by the release of company shares. Company registration in this respect simply due to lack of stock. Having determined the form of organization to begin registration. For performance of registration activities provided for charging the state fee. Before the state registration of enterprises should be identified and marked the formation of the founders of the share capital. Requirement of the legislation – that by the time of state registration, authorized share capital was formed by no less than 50 percent. Condition of formation of the share capital in cash is required before registration open a savings account.

Thus, the preparation of a complete set of foundation documents (charter and a protocol or decision, unless a parent) – the first step in this direction. All the documents must first be submitted to the bank and deposit money in the required amount. Getting the print – a prerequisite of registration, whether registration of LLC or JSC. The organization also must have a code of statistics, the current account. It is important to specify the proper legal addresses, as well as the actual location of the firm.



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