National Institute Years
Of the revenue that the Government has had in the last 10 years, passing the 545.000 million dollars, 330.852 million dollars have been assigned to social investment; that is, five times more than in the last 11 years of the Fourth Republic, pointing Eljuri. In total, 60% of income has given to social investment, to health, to education.Some spokesmen for the opposition consider that poverty data do not correspond with reality. To this, Eljuri responds that statistics are auditable, and come from the survey of households of Venezuela, produced for 43 years; their workers have more than 17 years making it. It is the same people who worked in the Fourth Republic. Databases, are also examined by ECLAC. On the other hand, it is not surprising us read opinions, which cannot be ignored, as indicates it the Diario El Universal of Caracas, when he says, mired in extreme poverty households have not achieved major improvements over the past year, as the rate that measures exclusion serious just be reduced from 7.47 percent in the first half of 2008 to 7.30% at the close of the first half of last yearAccording to the data supplied by the National Institute of statistics (INE). The reason for this timid advance is based on that in most of the States, in major or minor extent, extreme poverty increased.
According to the information handled by the official body, 14 of 24 regions of the country increased levels of serious exclusion, with a higher power in Aragua, Delta Amacuro and Nueva Esparta. The INE reported that poverty as measured by income in those States It rebounded up at 4.42 percent in a year, as happened in the case of Nueva Esparta, where extreme exclusion jumped from 1.04 percent in the first half of 2008 to 4.60% in the first part of last year. Although the insular region lost the first post as the State with the rate of extreme poverty in the country, and now stands in the second place, it is still one of the regions with less extreme poverty in Venezuela.