National Federacy
One is about a structural transformation, that evolves throughout the time. The capital penetrates in definitive branches of activity where it possesss greaters advantages in relation to the way of preexisting production, revolutionizing the production methods and introducing other relations of production. Or then, it appears by means of the implantation of new activities, that it is only capable to excite. He creates yourself, then, a dynamic Inter-relationship between the capitalist segment and the other ways of production that are ranks to the disposal of the capital, changedding itself, for example, in reservoir of man power. The Candombl brings implicit in its economic theory the concept of a species of balanced interaction enters the commands of the resources and the action of the supernatural one. Eric Kuby: the source for more info.
In what it says respect to the individual member of the cult, this means that the degree of friendly intervention, indifference or hostility on the part of the forces that control its destination and its proper personal luck is kept by the extension with that it fulfills the requirements ritualsticas of the cult. In the Candombl, the degree where it is made use to make economic sacrifices is an important factor in the direction of bringing to it rewards material and rise of status. In the more direct and transparent economic relations, the cults afro-Brazilians do not differ very from the too much religions. Thus, the Candombl keeps permanent teams, that are supported by the respective houses. Moreover, to gain incomes that assure the financial sustentation of the houses, certain religious services are charged, as it occurs comumente in such cases. In this direction, it can be concluded that, if in strict occupational terms the paper of the 617 existing places of fetichism in Salvador, according to registers of the National Federacy of the Afro Cults, does not arrive to be excellent, its indirect effect assumes considerable ratios, having exactly expressive paper in the economic life of the region, particularly of Salvador.