Human Rights International Church

Under the slogan “Do not be silent! Tell discrimination “No!” Which is the theme for this year’s Human Rights Day, was a whole range of activities – from the Forum against the slave trade in Pasadena, Calif., before the march for human rights in more than 30 countries and a seminar on human rights in Pakistan. The marchers handed out thousands of leaflets “Youth for Human Rights, which in simple language told of the 30 articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. “When young people hear about hate crimes and discrimination wherever they live, they want to act – says Tracy Morrow, coordinator of the Youth Movement for Human Rights International Church of Scientology. – How can they remain silent when their eyes are subjected to harassment of students in their own school, or when they read about the attack on the Imam in New York just because of their religion or how the crowd sounded the death in a fit of hatred immigrant from Ecuador? “. As an example of what youth can achieve, Morrow talked about the Mexican state of Chiapas. According to a nationwide poll conducted by the Ministry of Education of Mexico, 50% of college students admitted that they participated in the discrimination of other students in his university. The State Government has decided to take effective action in this regard and, using information the Mexican branch of the fund “Youth for Human Rights, ratified a change in the constitution to include all 30 articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and made human rights education in schools compulsory.

“Being the first Mexican state to who made this step, Chiapas, Mexico, and sets an example for the rest of the world “- says Morrow. Following the initiative of the State of Chiapas, Mexico’s Ministry of Education to commemorate Human Rights Day, printed 10,000 brochures, “What is human rights? “distributed by the fund” Youth for Human Rights. ” Events, Human Rights Day, were the Church of Scientology and the movement “Youth for Human Rights on six continents – in Austria, Australia, Britain, Belgium, Germany, Holland, Denmark, Finland, Israel, India, Italy, Cameroon, Canada, Chile, Colombia, New Zealand, Mexico, Pakistan, Panama, Somalia, usa, Taiwan, Ukraine, France, Switzerland, Sweden , Sri Lanka, South Africa and Japan. Human Rights Division of the Church of Scientology is proud to support an international fund “Youth for Human Rights, a secular nonprofit organization founded in 2001. Its purpose – to teach young people human rights, in particular the Universal Declaration of Human Rights so they become advocates for peace and tolerance. Ron Hubbard (founder of Scientology) wrote: “Human rights should become a reality, and not idealistic dream.”



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