Critical Theory
Honneth agrees to Habermas on the necessity of if constructing the Critical Theory in intersubjetivas bases and with marked component universalistas, it defends also, contrarily to this, the thesis of that is the conflict, and its grammar, the fight for recognition. Honneth has as reference the Hegel thinker, which had to the fact of this to join strict universalistas pretensions with the permanent concern with the development of the individual, singular. The Social fight that Honneth privileges in its theory of it I recognized mento is not marked in first line for objectives of autoconservao or increase of being able, but yes those conflicts interest it that if they originate from an experience of social disrespect, of an attack to the personal and collective identity. The reconstruction of the logic of these experiences of the disrespect and the development of the fight in its diversity if articulates by means of the analysis of the practical formation in a previous context of recognition relations. this occurs in three distinct and linked spheres. Since of the emotivo sphere; the sphere of the esteem and the sphere legal-moral. The emotivo sphere: that it allows to the individual a confidence in itself, exactly indispensable for its projects of social autorealizao.
The sphere of the esteem: where these projects can be object of a solidary respect. The sphere legal-moral: where the person is recognized and morally imputable, thus developing autorespeito relation. Ahead of such picture, my reading of the presentation of the book of Axel Honneth, allows to say that it is possible to see in the diverse fights for recognition a moral force that stimulates the social developments. HONNETH, Axel. Fight for the recognition: the moral grammar of the social conflicts. Translation of Repa Luiz: noble Landmark presentation. So Paulo, ED.34, 2. Ed, 2009, p-07-19.
Tags: philosophy