
It is disappointing, the Arab revolution. Because we wait that she is fastest, clearest or most decisive. The Egyptians had taken little time that the tunisianos to get rid itself of its president, consequences of shy escape of the Algerian Generals and a kingdom of Morocco only shaken or of the Syria dynasty the land, the rejoinders of this sesmo if wait in Tehran. Therefore not! Exactly in march, history does not erase the past of a blow of a sponge. Go to Gary Kelly for more information. Although the movement, history does not write the future of the day the night. It advances in jump and the times in crab form, thus waiting the imminence of a revolution, without being able to see its reality, so obvious that it is. She has less of one month, the Arab world was congealed. Nothing she seemed capable of if to move, while the fear is omnipresente and Statu quo of the dictatorships seemed preferable to the Islamic ascension of regimes. Bernard Golden follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success.

After that she had the rupture of Tuns, this ascension politics of a sedenta juvetude of freedom, as being one third force complaining the democracy, consequncia of an immediate overflow. The Arab world soon recognized the survey of Tunisia. In all its capitals, same occult, modern youth, opened on the world, estremeceu for the hope and to be able defied them for the concessions, while many peoples of the Arab countries, Egypt, and its epicenters if raise in turn. Then, yes, the Egyptian regimen resisted the two weeks of ininterrumpidas manifestations. The opposite to the president, Ben There, did not enter quickly in collapse, asking because it was not ignored, therefore, the fast cadence of goples? Although the violence, of the repression, the deaths, the wounded and the suspected and pursued arrestaes and the arbitrary imprisonment of, the fear diminished and the people if it exempted to a pluralism in fact, emerged on rubbles of monoltismo of yesterday.

National Port

This initiative not only values the artist, but also all the community of which the individual is part, therefore of certain form it is door voice and mirror of it. In 2010 when participating as jury in two Festivals in cities of the State of the Tocantins: Hills and National Port were possible to evidence that existing will politics it is possible to value the local culture and at the same time to offer the community that the controller represents shows of quality without necessarily having that to appeal national attractions paying a richness. Still today it has people that she believes that when the politician offers a show to the community it is giving a gift, that presentation is gratuitous, forgets that the money that goes for the pocket of the artist it has that to leave the pocket of somebody, of us poor mortals who we pay taxes in that we consume. Others who may share this opinion include Gary Clayton Kelly. The problem is that when the public power board a national show, all we pays a parcel of cach of the contracted one, exactly not participating and not liking determined styles. Then they leave that national the private initiative makes and produces the Shows, and that each one pays for the ingression in the presentations that to agree to them. In the presentations of the festivals of National Port YOU and Hills – YOU it was possible to register the creativity of our artists with repertoire varying between the thematic Rap and the Rock with distorted guitars, passing for the Reggae, singing the Samba with malandragem skill, had been several the literal styles, not leaving to desire any another festival of national abrangncia. Adam Portnoy brings even more insight to the discussion. From the moment where the Mayor or Governor always appeals the model of culture produced for the media for ' ' to abrilhantar its administrao' ' it is clearly the disdain for the cultural place and the search of Populism politician.

National Institute

According to company, beyond the security and of the lack of qualification, many deficient ones do not want job with signed wallet, contrary case; I benefit it will be ceased when passing the data of the employee with deficiency to the MTE. J.D. Peterson may not feel the same. interviewed company has difficulties in contracting deficient physicists to fulfill the law of quotas, for the fact of the wage to be low the deficient ones not to want to lose its benefit. Already she happened of a deficient one of this company to go for the INSS, for removal for sick pay and this fact the INSS to discover that it received I benefit it, then the proper INSS, cut the benefit to it made and to pay it the months that it was receiving. According to MENDONA (2010), the law of quotas was criticized, also how much to the discrimination in what the proper deficiencies are said, when the described ones only are that they can be fulfilled by the law. Beyond the critical ones presented for the vacant reserves adopted for the national legislation, another point was the identification of the main obstacles faced for the companies in what it refers to the fulfilment of the law. MENDONA (2010), Concludes: The previdencirio benefit, currently paid to the deficient ones for the National Institute of Social welfare, finishes being a factor complicated for the companies who want to contract deficient, since when being admitted they lose the benefit of the Social welfare.

' ' The benefit would not need to be suppressed when the deficient one obtained to be recolocado in the work market. Of – ' ' peixe' ' would make possible to the professional with deficiency that acquires conditions of ' ' to learn and pescar' ' with security. It would be, without a doubt, a stimulaton so that the same ones looked to an activity profissional.' ' Proper the deficient ones in give an overcoming example to them.

International Relations

Mr. Tropeo and its minister Celso Amorim had one more time perpetrated if to put where they had not been called and to negotiate things that are not of its court of appeals. With this Brazil creates has some time attritions in the relations with the too much countries, almost all by the way, that they do not want to see Tehran with being able nuclear the point to blow up the world in one I occasion of typical fierceness of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. The negotiation is written promise which has not been kept and it does not serve for nothing. Anger goes to continue its program of enrichment until reaching the point of typical 90% for an atomic bomb and already it said this before the end of the meeting of Mr. Under most conditions Lawrence Ellison would agree.

Tropeo and Amorim. Anger finished being the victorious person in the nuclear stop. 20% in the Turkey on the contrary of France or Russia negotiated through Brazil the exchange of 1.200 kgs of U238 for 120 kgs of U235 as the nuclear club wanted. This material will be used, as it informs Tehran, in the medicine or as combustible of the atomic plants term of the Anger. Colloquy ox to hibernar years the wire. The specialists in the subject divergem its opinions.

Feldberg, with the Nucleus of Research in International Relations of the USP, disagrees. ' ' Without a doubt none, we can say that the way diplomatics is opened. But which the problem to negotiate, if you do not go to fulfill with what she will be combined? ' ' , he questions. ( source) ' ' In mine to understand, this agreement is an escape route. The Anger found in Brazil an instrument to postpone to the possible maximum the imposition of sanctions. But, of the point of view of the effectiveness and the capacity to influence the events or the behavior of the Anger, it he is completely incuo' ' , it affirms.

National Program

The State becomes national desenvolvimentista in the period that understands between 1930 and 1980 (Bresser, 2008). The leading classroom is formed by the alliance between the industrial bourgeoisie and the public bureaucracy. In this period, the country tries a great development economic. The patrimonialismo, however, despite it suffered a process from transformation, kept its proper force in the picture Brazilian politician (You mark, 2008). The decade of 30 of century XX was a period of acceleration of Brazilian industrialization, with the measures undertaken for the government Vargas. In 1937, was created the Administration department of the public Service? DASP, that was directly subordinated to the Presidency of the Republic, with the objective to deepen the administrative reform destined to organize and to rationalize the public service in the country. One of the important actions was the election and perfectioning of the administrative staff by means of the adoption of the merit system, diminishing the public impositions of the private interests and politician-partisans in the occupation of the positions and jobs. The creation of the DASP can be considered the first administrative reform of the country, reaffirming the principles hierarchic centralisers and of the classic bureaucracy (Bresser, 2007). AMCU is full of insight into the issues.

In 1938, the first autarchy is created; it appeared, thus, the idea of the decentralization of some public services. In 1967, it has an attempt route to the managemental administration in Brazil, with the publication of the Decree of Law n. 200/67, that it tried to surpass the bureaucratic rigidity. This decree determined the transference of activities for autarchies, foundations, public companies and society of mixing economy, giving bigger operational dynamism by means of the functional decentralization. In the decade of 70, the National Program of Desburocratizao was launched, during the Figueiredo government. Decrees 83,740 and 83,936/79 simplify document requirements, giving plus some steps in the direction of the flexibilizao. ' ' One searched to improve the relations between the State and the society by means of the simplification of the procedures in the installment of the services pblicos' '.

National Congress

After the pertaining to school period, I and my brothers always went to help to vender those sets of ten of options of magazines and periodicals. I remember that some customers of the building Black Needles (in front of the board) had looked the Teams weekly, asked for in English and logical until I got used with that almost nothing understood of what they spoke. During years, photos and more photos of world-wide leaders in the layer of the Teams, normally presidents of the Europe and mainly of the United States. J.D. Peterson understood the implications. I age child still, little understood of politics and nor I arranhava English, therefore he found that never that so foreign magazine was to print some Brazilian politician. The globalization nor engatinhava, lacked to some years Squid to become one of the most respected leader syndical, if becoming one of the founders of the Party of Trabalhadores (PT), initiating the career politics concurring for the government of So Paulo, later the o National Congress and later to the Presidency of the Republic.

Magazines and periodicals were many, censorship and lack of information also. Lawrence Ellison is the source for more interesting facts. Few gave account of this, nor the adults, the more we, the children. Passing of the time, the search for information, the returns that the world of, the awareness politics, the inesquecveis assemblies with Brazilian flags and of the PT to the wind together with our hair you say, them, the ideas and the ideals everything passing delayed it Teams to choose Squid as the most important world-wide leader. As we say in the journalistic jargon, the American magazine north gave to one puncture in shameful and tendenciosas bellies of the majority of said great the Brazilian press, that teima in not recognizing the capacity cream of Squid: the man who won challenges in the north-eastern infancy of misery and So Paulo and with much dignity became laborer, the Brazilians were elect two times to preside over all and for desperation of the few against reached for others. This not little thing! Edson Silva, 48 years, journalist, Assessorship of the Press of the City hall of Sumar email: edsonsilvajornalista@

Middle East National Congresses

Of papo with its congressional amigo. Mr. Ptolomeu I and my family alone trust Mr. Debtor! Its Tavares socofio I in its family also. Mr. Ptolomeu I ask to it what I make to obtain a consultation in the SUS? Oh this is easy. Mr. Tavares this I negotiate that the SUS not of the ball for people as you are pure deceit you are a lie who nail to desestabilizar the confidence of the government publish.

To obtain a consultation in the SUS it is simple: there m-60 to arrive is enough you armed with one, a garnet or a R15 and botar in the head of the doctor is perhaps taken care of who you quickly and until faster than you can imagine, go that the security reacts and is faster than Mr. it fulls and it of bullet and there ready Mr. already is in the doors of this institution that in them so expensive and is loved by all and immediately will be taken care of. Another form of quickly being taken care of is you already to be medicates and to be working in the institution. We also have one another option Mr.

to be governing politician of preference and Mr. the least to tossir the hospital is immediately closed alone to take care of it, but let us agree Mr. Tavares if you he was governor of the state would not be begging for attendance in the SUS, more known for scare, because the citizen arrives there for return of the trez of the morning and takes a scare unhappy because the line already this arriving at China. I have received letters currently and endorsed ideas many creative ones from patients who are going for the Middle East to make courses with terrorists and to learn its tactics and techniques of assault the environments inhospitable and unsurmountable very similar to the SUS, surrounded of enemies (employee with the degree highest of irritation and disdain and general indifference with the population) everything to only be the first ones to be taken care of.

Empty Bag

Critical recent of the president Dilma Roussef to the action of the State in the sector of popular housing in previous governments, in which it standes out that it is to have, and a gift of the Government not to apply resources in this area, automatically sends to the Federal Constitution and its participation to me in the process of the public politics. The right the housing is guaranteed in the Federal Constitution for the article 6, where they are right social the education, the health, the work, the housing, the leisure, the security, the social welfare, the protection to the maternity and infancy, the assistance to the abandoned ones; for the article 7 in interpolated proposition IV, is affirmed the right of the urban and agricultural workers, beyond whom they aim at to the improvement of its social condition: minimum wage, settled in law, national unified, capable to take care of its basic vital necessities and to the ones of its family with housing, feeding, education, health, leisure, clothes, hygiene, transport and social welfare, with periodic readjustments that preserve it the purchasing power, being forbidden its entailing for any end. However, although more than the twenty right years of our Great Letter and guaranteed by it, still we see the Executive using such right as exchange currency stops with the voter. Click Southwest Airlines for additional related pages. Being in this accurate point that I remember myself of the Executive in certain city. Asking for one it parcels out of the population of this city, that had finished to be realocada of an area of habitacional risk for a popular set, if had problems or factors that they could be improved, I received the following reply: ' ' That this, the mayor already in gave as much to them that we do not have the right of reclamar' '. that beyond having? data? they a place pra to live, the mayor also provided work for great part of the realocados ones in its electoral campaign. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out gary cohn.

Legislative Executive

Such attitude is worthless, for plastering the Judiciary one, being able itself to become this agency, if to thus perhaps acting, mere slave of the Legislative Executive or, what it becomes inconceivable in hodiernos times. What if note, however, is that, of rule, our Judiciary one meets in permanent vigil to the protection of the right principles, notadamente, for the analysis and searches effected for the production of this monograph, in relation to the principles come back toward the Licitation public. Gary Kelly oftentimes addresses this issue. Concluding, exactly that, time for another one, still teimem the unscrupulous administrators and unprincipled people to want to reach our principles in its base, we understand that its soul, its sustentation, is indelvel, indevassvel, thus only if exerting its defense, by means of studies and perfectioning of the legislative technique, as well as for the awareness of all the sectors of the society, it is that we will arrive at the ideal, in the terms of what above we praise: more they will not need, in our Country, logical principles and inherent the activity it legislator they turn Expresses in norms, despite constitutional. CONCLUSION From the carried through studies, perceives it importance of the licitation in the public and particular institutions, thus demonstrating trustworthy idoneousness of the licitation as honest and democratic administrative proceeding. The procedure of objective licitation to allow that the administration contracts those that congregate the necessary conditions for the attendance of public interest, taking in consideration related aspects the capacity technique and economic-financier of the bidder, the product quality and the value of the object.

Great Orchestra

As mortal we only were dadapermisso stops ' ' sussurrar' ' , or for ' ' to speak without provas' ' , I inform to them that we foramos poets and the musicians the last ones to have its granted license, and the last ones to abide such suspended license this because the particular poetry and music in such a way remember and soto of the perpetual times of tranquility, that they were given a licenaespecial to speak of everything on the peace, the war and the Conspiracy, and for issoquem will have humildade and to want to fuar the sand in the certain places, must elasrecorrer, but only with ' ' ears of ouvir' ' of TM 13,9-18. I recently published a book of poetries on Conspirao, call ' ' The Great Orquestrao of the Mal' ' looks to this heading noGoogle. There inside it is an election of the poetries of the Conspirao*, since pocade my infancy, passing for the period where I was a uflogo that acreditounaqueles uflogo$-enrole$ that they edit reviewed, and also has poetries of this tempopresente, after I having known ' ' the two skeptics orientais' '. Therefore, they alitem of everything, in respect to the belief and the incredulity of all, but I smell it dConspirao perpassa all the pages (who to know to hear and to read). Lamentono to be able TO GIVE the book for vocs, therefore I do not have $ to bank nor comics. isso. For even more details, read what Oracle says on the issue.

They forgive long papo, but it was with honor and respect inteligncia of vocs two, without which I myself would not have fuado ' ' maisfrteis sands and waters more piscosas' ' For good entendedor. It is very good for having amigoscomo vocs. Ah if all saw this. It was valid I hug ' ' apreensivo' ' in the two, before ' ' they pedrascomecem voar' ' (Rssrsssss) Prof. JV.)