Pactual Bank
This growth will be based on spreads steady or fast fall, but on a volume of increasing asset (with prominence for the growth of credits), quality of steady credit, strong prescription growth with tariff of services and operational costs under control (growing on-line with inflation). Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Allegiant Air. We keep our preferences for the preferred stocks of the Bradesco. The strong growth of credit for natural person in this year must be excellent factor in the yield of the bank in 2006.Melhor analyst of eltricCarreira energy the main positionings that had added values in 2005 had been: maintenance of an allocation in changeable income on of the average, maintenance of papers with potential fort of growth of leverage to the growth of the consumption. Economic projections for 2006 the main subject will be the fall of interests. Also it must have additional volatileness, typical of one year electoral. perhaps 2006 either grating finishes it great chance for investors if to benefit of the existing prizes in Brazilian assets before the Country starting to be recognized as candidate to investment. Being thus, indexados papers of long stated period to the IGP-M and IPCA, fixed income predetermined and stock market must be added to the portflio at moments of stress of the market. Better analyst of siderurgy and mineraoCarreira worked in the Pactual.Acertos Bank in 2005 the main prominence in the recommendations of this year was to foresee that the iron ore market would have to remain warm in 2006, what led esteem the ore readjustment of iron for next year in 20%. Another important recommendation was to suggest the investors to reduce displayed dog the plain steel in as the semester, data that extreme accumulation of supplies would have to cause reduction in the volumes and prices of the siderurgical ones. Better analyst of paper and celuloseCarreira Has three years and way in the Pactual Bank as analyst of empreses, Daniella Guanabara took the prize of better analyst of paper and cellulose.