Archive for June 2014


Harris Interactive

Depending on the amount of hard drive degree of importance of its contents, urgency order, the cost of their services to an average of 50 to 500 dollars, and ensure that the data will be completely reanimated, no. Do not forget about safety information, which inevitably turns out to be under threat. Especially if you decide to save money and not turned into a big company, and in semi-legal office, where employees can easily use your data in their purposes. To protect themselves from the consequences of failures of technology and other force majeure, many companies now use the backup. Keep up with them and "home" users. Becoming more popular programs intended for making backup copies and giving, in contrast to other methods, almost one hundred percent guarantee of data recovery in case of unforeseen circumstances.

Still, the ratio of the contingency Copying still not serious – on the basis of last year's survey Harris Interactive, 35% of users never in my life is not backed up the data, and 75% of those who in some way familiar with this operation, it is not doing a more than once month. Even worse in small and medium-sized business: if you believe the report, Gartner, only one case out of a hundred businessmen keep their files on a daily basis. The result – according to Dynamic Markets, 16% of small and medium-sized companies on a quarterly basis losing critical information. And in most cases it involves the use of outdated software. Today the market offers countless products for backups.

The School

However, as he was well salient in you say them to both, the school must be prepared for inclusion duly warned becomes only plus a pretty act in speaks, but engavetado between as much other educational processes, that in the practical one, only exist in the paper. As the point to be treated in the interview was the vision of the school concerning the inclusion and as it occurs inside of the school, properly said: What it made the school the reply becomes inclusive had been the following ones: first, the Legislation, that guarantee to all the citizens, the right to belong to the school, being received, independently of its deficiencies. In second, to the agreement of that an educational system inclusive part of principle of that all the children can learn since that if it respects and it recognizes the differences of age, sex, etnia, language, deficiencies or inabilidades. still, due to understanding of an including, efficient educative process, that it evolves constantly, not limited to the lacks of adjusted resources, or to the deficiencies of the pupils. If we intend an inclusive education, is urgent that let us make a redefinition of plans and let us trace goals, aiming at a school directed toward the global citizenship. this is our objective. It is understood thus, a will to argue and to renew the planning, the vises educational on the inclusion, searching ways practical and possible to work with the different ones.

Nothing more correct, when the question is inclusion, of what being open to the collective quarrels, to the debates on the joined difficulties inside of the school, as much as for the applied methodologies, how much to the materials and difficulties faced for the pertaining to school team. One knows that this is not a simple ones task, that can be developed in little time, but the attempt to make what he is correct and above all, being based in the education vision that the unit school believes, already notices an evolution possible and opened to include to that before they were to the edge of the society and the school. In this direction, one perceives that to obtain to remodel the institution pertaining to school, first we have that to change the opinions of all the involved ones in the educative scene. However, it is practically impossible to reformulate ideas, without if it carries through a previous reform of the institutions. 4. FINAL CONSIDERAES We are involved in a crisis of educational paradigms, that requires a search of alternatives, thus demanding, beyond to guide for the changes, a new ardor to live deeply the moment that is being considered. One expects that the school is an alive space of formation for all. In this context, a truily inclusive environment requires directed public politics of education to the inclusion, beyond involved educators seriously with the changes, showing that the inclusion is a moment of profits for professors and pertaining to school community as a whole. Clearly that such changes of perspective demand much more of what to go to the school and to make what all day of skill becomes the same. Significant practical one, that develops an education based on diversi


The first question on the confusion of the Boxes must be: to whom they benefit these financial organizations? My answer, cynical I know, it, is well simple: to the political class. They have read well: not to the citizens, not even to the impositores, less even to that so abstract denominated the region ; but to the politicians. To whom they give by the face a million Euros to buy action of an important infrastructure company and to thus become the second investor deprived of the same with great capital gains? Neither to you nor, but S.A. president of some Box, named, clearly, by the political parties. To whom they pardon the payment to him of loans pending payment? Neither to you nor, but to the happy parties. Who are accumulated the provincial secretariat of a party, the position of deputy and the one of advisor of some Box? Neither you nor I, but some political lucky person. We arrive at the fusions or confusions. They are necessary? By all means the fusions, not them present confusions since the Boxes have reduced their margin of intermediation, suffer more dilatoriness, are loaded of overvalued solar buildings and is warm its refinancing.

Of to have united before, they would have diversified risks and they would today have more financial muscle with which to confront the crisis. And, put to do it, as much the Bank of Spain as the experts recommends that the union is interregional: thus synergies would take advantage, would be avoided duplicities and, mainly, it would draw for to the use and political abuse of the respective autonomic Governments. Paradoxicalally, in a State where no longer exists a central bank this one is in Brussels the different Governments from taifas long for to have regional stools where to seat its innkeepers. As it demonstrates, they have already put to an ex- autonomic president to the front of Bancaja, they wanted to do the own thing in the BBK and can try the same after the fusion of Box Duero and Caja Spain. That no? Then still we have left to see much confusion before serial one by deliveries finishes this winding. It will be necessary to return necessarily on him. Original author and source of the article.


Probably many of us dream about how to earn money without leaving home. Sit on the banks of the warm sea, sipping a cocktail, and when there is a mood – create it and earn yourself to a comfortable life. Sci-Fi? C development of the Internet is becoming a reality. Moreover, in the near future, representatives of many professions will be spared from having to go to stuffy offices and spend time on the road. Naturally, this is not about "Work on your home phone, and on interesting and creative professions. Free-lance in French – a freelance journalist or photographer. But more recently, the term refers to any professionals working remotely.

In First of all, demand in this market are web designers, programmers, translators, architects, editors and advertisers, the list is very long. In the U.S., such as freelancers, on average earn more than professionals in the same area, working in the office full time. Because "free artist" are usually high-class professionals. We have yet to distance collaboration wary, though for small companies budget is the best way – you can save time and money on "bureaucracy". Surely you can find and use their talents. Everything is easy – many potential employers are looking for freelancers through Internet. For example, the site can be found as job postings and resumes of freelancers, as well as the "black list" of performers and employers.

On the have a large base of professionals in any field, with examples of their work. Proposals begin with a modest $ 10 per design greeting cards and up to several thousand for a serious project. There is even an exotic type of work as participating in online forums for a small fee. Money you can be provided on a bank account or through various Internet payment system, such as Webmoney, a contract, if necessary, arrange by registered mail. In this method, income has its pitfalls. Operating every time a new customer, how to be sure that you get paid for your work? Freelancer Benefits are that it can reject the controversial project. One of the basic rules – free time is more expensive What is not interesting and work. How to distinguish a bad project from the perspective? First of all, appreciate the objective value of your services. If the customer offers a lot less, it just miser, and perhaps require much effort or a long time to get him to part with money. If he offers much more than usual to pay for this service, it's likely it's just bait for the naive, and he is not going to pay. The customer announces a tender. This could mean that he just wants to collect the work, and then use them without paying anything. His ownership will then prove very difficult. However, we can insure – print your materials and send yourself by registered mail. Date postmarked will be proof of your copyright priority. The customer does not know himself what he wants. If he is unable to formulate technical job, then chances are that you can not please him. In addition, it may mean that he is simply exploring the market and shop around. You are required to complete the work as soon as possible. Most likely, the customer for a long time dragged to the search for Executive and take the rap for his negligence would have you. With a little practice, you will learn to distinguish between "good customer" and obzavedetes their terms of regular customers. But what before you open prospects! Worth the risk.

Where To Begin Creating A Personal Brand

What is a 'personal brand'? Why to create and promote? Why is it all about? Until recently we had no such concept as' personality ', we had the concept of' society ', to promote the principles of equality:' you're such as all ',' you're one of ', respectively, in humans it was not possible to prove himself And just recently emerged concept of 'personality', not 'you're one of ', and' you did not like everything ', people finally have the opportunity to express themselves, express themselves in a broad sense of the word At last, the manifestation of himself as a personality was appreciated by others. So what is a 'Person'? This positioning of the man himself as a unique, unique, different from others, having their own opinion, your own character and self esteem Why is it all about? Creating and 'spinning' Personal Brand 'A man can pursue both personal goals and business or professional. Objectives can be very different, the main one – self-realization, declaring himself as a person, man realizes himself. Personal and professional goals, as outlined below, are part of the principal on its Indeed, goals Personal Goals – is to create a circle of associates, interacting with people close in spirit, in life position, with the same interests, which may be very different: favorite movies, fishing, religion, tourism, automobiles, etc. mutual exchange of experiences with these people. Professional Goals divided into two groups: 1. Professional, as such – Man creates his image of highly qualified specialists in a particular industry, its services becoming more and more popular, his income is increasingly growing. .