ACE.TEC GmbH Makes Wind Energy Service Mobile
Strong demand for mobile services in the growth market of wind energy Villingen, August 11, 2010 – the two fairs of the ACE.TEC GmbH on the “industry day 2 wind energy in North Rhine-Westphalia” in Oberhausen and the “innovation day wind energy m ‘ interest confirmed in Wurzburg the industry of mobile service solutions as a result of the competition to stand out and generate a new field of value. The boom in renewable energies and in particular in the field of wind energy also leads to increased demand for service and repair of wind turbines. “These are typically in the wind farms on land or offshore required. Companies with mobile customer service solutions, such as for example ASS_Mobile are clearly at an advantage because their technicians with their mobile device to any central data locally can be accessed thus all business processes for maintenance, repairs, maintenance and spare parts management across the company efficiently, transparently and most cost-efficient to the back-office to settle,”explains ACE.TEC CEO Kurt Leo Emperor. The mobile client is equipped with the complete process of error handling and all processes and their back-end systems are integrated into the existing IT world. In addition to the complete ERP integration the real-time processing is essential, if for example a technician determines that a replacement part is faulty: now the message in the Central ERP is routed to stop the charge.
Vice versa also a failure reached the technicians on the road immediately – all customer data from the company database. It is therefore a logical consequence, that ASS.TEC is with numerous manufacturers of wind turbines in the conversation to develop customer-specific complete solutions consisting of the mobile service solution ASS_Mobile in conjunction with robust Panasonic Toughbooks. “Currently the North German manufacturers have still the nose front, the Suddeutsche tighten considerably”, as emperor. Company description the ACE.TEC consulting company mbH has been for applications, systems, strategies and technologies in 1993 with a focus on Founder of complete solutions for SAP users. ACE.TEC is also one of the only one who can develop custom report scripts and create since 1993 by only three German ARIS value added resellers, and in addition to the ARIS manufacturer IDS. Another focus is the mobile customer service software ASS_Mobile service, for which there is also a service reference model for best-practice business processes. The holistic support of the concept belongs to philosophy to the rollout and support of information processing for customers of all sizes of companies in Germany and in the neighbouring countries. Managing Director: Norbert Heil, Kurt Leo Kaiser, Sylvia Unger company contact: ACE.TEC GmbH Kurt Leo Emperor Eichendorffstrasse 33 78054 VS-Schwenningen Tel: 07720 / 840-140 E-Mail: Web: PR contact: JESSEN-PR Doris Jessen Brunsummerheide k. 5f 22149 Hamburg Tel: 040 672 17 48 E-Mail: Web: