Archive for August 2014


Economic Development

Since mainly focus on the consequences, it turns out of assessment methodologies that do not depend on. In our opinion, the normal “result” in the form of consequences, the responsibility of the appraiser, depends on both the process performance evaluation services to the requirements of technique. If normal method (valid), then the report will be normal (positive verification). Further responsibility for the actions the customer must be very customer service evaluation. In our opinion, the responsibility NSOD as Professional organizations should include certification procedures and sampling SROO compliance with reviewing the evaluation reports. Moreover, these techniques must be executed SROO as standards organizations, and NSOD must create a system of standardization in the field of valuation services and a national technical committee on standardization in the field of valuation. As part of this committee must approve the national standards for appraisal services.

Among these standards should be a national standard “method of reviewing evaluation reports.” Interest in the examination report on the evaluation occurs in the supervisory authority, the agency that manages state property, and other persons. In this body of executive power not forbidden to organize under the law of the professional inspection report on the assessment by national standards. Therefore, there is no need to create a “legal centaur” in the form of federal standards for evaluation. Tomorrow regional or municipal authorities will also want to have their “regional or local standards for evaluation.” In our opinion, supervisory officials or agencies do not possess the professional competence (knowledge, skills and professional techniques) to review evaluation reports and in their official regulations should not be are such functions. In their administrative competence should include only inspection of administrative (legal) property valuation report. References 1. Methodical recommendations on examination of reports on evaluation / / 2.

Regulations on the procedure of the examination report on the evaluation of securities, the requirements and procedure for selecting self-regulatory organization of appraisers performing the examination / / Order of the Economic Development of Russia, 29 September 2006 N 303. – Consultant Plus. 3. The order of examination of evaluation reports / / Order of the Federal Agency for Federal Property Management from 09.10.20

Agency Bank

I worked in a city where three outlaws had entered in the banking agency and had announced the assault. The safe of the bank was programmed to only open in definitive hours, but the thieves already had science of this obstacle. The guard of the bank was relieved and by it the firearm was taken. One of the meliantes pointed the weapon with respect to head of the manager and ordered that he was quiet until the moment of being able to open the safe. Another one was watching the door and alone it allowed the entrance of customers. They had commanded that the excessively employee boxes and dissimulated that it was all normal one, as well as the customers, who would have to remain in line.

The things were transcorrendo well for the outlaws until a passer-by passed and distrusted that she had something of made a mistake. The person noticed that only she had people entering in the agency and nobody leaving. The citizen, in intention to give its contribution, bound for the telephone of urgency of polices to militate (190) to count of its diffidence, understanding she polices that it would have to confer what in fact she was occurring. In the units of he polices to always militate is some agent taking care of linkings and repassing them for the colleagues who are in the viaturas. The planto soldier received that information from the anonymous person and decided to take provides. It caught the telephone and bound for the banking agency.

The bell of the telephone touched and the manager asked for permission to the thief to take care of, therefore, of the opposite, somebody could distrust. This certainty, agreed the delinquent, takes care of and looks at there what you go to speak, bawls keeping it in the nape of the neck of the man of the bank. The manager takes care of: good day, in I can help it? The soldier of the other side asks: This having assault there in the bank? He waits that I go to verify, answers the manager. He goes until the listing and he dissimulates to look at the banking balance of some customer. Al! I want to inform the Mr. who its balance is positive. He is positive! I do not want to know the balance of my account, retruca the military man, my question I am if the agency of the bank this being assaulted. The clock favors the outlaws and arrives the hour of the safe to open. Of inside the brothers metralhas apanham seventy a thousand Reals and gives in the foot. In the sequencia maximum authority of the agency binds for polices and speaks to the attendant: You are donkey? I was with one to dig pointed with respect to my head when you bound. He finds you that I could say: operative positive and. It comes that it has three faces taking of assault agency. The viatura appears to the bank to make the occurrence bulletin. That soldier was white of chacota of all corporation for a good time. He has people that she is thus, not enxerga nor a handspan beyond the nose. She is necessary to draw to understand. They had understood the told one above or wants that I explain?

Brazil Banker

In the third chapter ' ' Workers of acar' ' he can yourself be perceived where they worked and who was these. The production of the sugar was the known mechanized activity most complex and until century XVIII, that it counted on workers and specialized tools, that if articulated in one ' ' mechanism nico' ' , organized in teams in the period of harvest where ' ' seguidas&#039 operated twenty hours; ' (p.46), process this directed toward ' ' to prevent losses and to assure produo' ' (p.47), that is, he was ' ' True fbrica' ' , that to remain itself functioning in the normal ones &#039 was necessary; ' The organization of engenho' ' , this formed by the administration sectors (Sir), maintenance (carapina, carpenter, mason and caulkers), transport (cars of ox and barks), and the processing (administrator-small, levadeiro, master of the sugar, banker and boilermakers), beyond many slaves who were gifts in the two last sectors. In this scene he had the predominance of ' ' Workers livres' ' that they were not the Europeans (craftsmen, days laborer and proletariat) and yes qualified people that the maintenance or experts of processings of the sugar took care of of, ' ' strangers for negros' ' (p.51), these workers were, administrator-mor, ad city, collector of incomes, notary, surgeon, master of the sugar, boilermaker, carapina, banker, administrator-small, purgador teller and boatman. If he also detached in this scene ' ' Work of ndio' ' that they had been used in simple tasks as ' ' annual cleanness of the led one, to take care of of the sangradouro, to cut lenha' ' , (p.57), beyond captain-do-weeds, hunting enslaved fugitives, these ( slaves), had been base of all work and society, therefore, without them nothing functioned for to be basic all process, beyond that practical (slavery) which belonged was on the violence, since of its capture, day for Brazil and productive activity in the device.

Sunny Prospects For Profitable Investments

Solar energy an investment in the future of solar power prices fall steadily. Currently they have fallen already by 30 percent compared to the beginning of the year 2009. However, a shock was moved now the enthusiasm for solar energy. From 1 July, the legislature lowers the compensation for electricity provided by home owners. The finance portal reported, why the investment in a solar power system is however still a very profitable.

The compensation guaranteed by the State for 21 years for solar power solar power became an attractive option for a profitable investment. Now made reducing the compensation amounts, in the course of this and the following year to continue the profitability of small power plants in question seemed to be. But in addition to the reduction of subsidies for solar electricity for newly-commissioned plants a new tiered fee was introduced on July 1. Thus, homeowners benefit from the consumption of solar electricity generated. In addition to the saved electricity costs, they get In addition by the operators, a compensation for the consumed electricity from own production.

Owner earn per kilowatt hour 3 cents more, thus about they consume the generated solar power itself and not feeding into the grid. Exceeds the share of domestic consumption to 30 percent of the electricity produced, this difference increases to considerable 8 cents per kilowatt hour. Falling acquisition costs, return on investment by domestic consumption and offers of credit for the financing of the installation continue to make solar power an attractive and also environmentally friendly investment option. More information: presse.html GmbH Lisa Neumann

Land As An Investment On The Turkish Riviera

Investment in tourism in the South of the Turkey has about 70 million people, and rising. Some projections of 95 to 100 million in 2050. In many areas, the country is already a strategically very important partner. In the year 2006 GDP of Turkey amounted to $400 billion and $432 billion in 2007 already. Thus was the Turkey’s sixth in Europe and the world’s 17th largest economy. Exports rose in recent years by more than 200 percent on $100 billion in 2007, forecast further rising. Turkey is classified also worldwide as one of the 20 most attractive countries for direct investment (source OSCE). A new double taxation agreement with the Switzerland is been initialled in 2009 and stands just before the introduction.

Mersin province on the Turkish Riviera town Mersin to the West extends a wide coastline with endless sandy beaches and the seemingly endless blue of the sea. In some places, fall sharply to the sea down the mountains and make sharp cliffs. Da However, the mountain ranges often parallel to the sea lost, have arisen here vast stretches of coastline with long fine-grained sandy beaches. The deep blue of the Mediterranean Sea is framed by banana orange or lemon gardens, between rivers and streams that flow down from the mostly wooded slopes of the mountain are located. The holiday centres in this region begin at Erdemli and end up in Anamur, on the border with the province of Antalya. No industry that could cause a pollution exists along this coastal area. After leaving the city centre, the country is dominated by fruit and vegetable gardens and the coast is mainly fishing boats and yachts.

Ferry and other ship traffic connecting the region with the offshore island of Cyprus. The coast is lined with marinas and small port for fishing boats. Numerous ancient sites, such as castles, fortifications, churches, and monasteries can be visited.

Cocoa Tree Investment With Faster Payout

CacaoInvest is available: now with distributions from second year off immediately the Bonn ForestFinance Group offers investors again the cocoa tree investment CacaoInvest. The new edition of the investments in wood – and cocoa trees allows early annual distributions: harvest of cocoa and other forest fruits investors regular cash flows already received from the second year. You thus benefit from all the advantages of forest investments, without however having to wait on distributions. Investment in agro mixed forest reduced capital: investors lease on the acquisition of CacaoInvest for a period of 25 years at least a quarter hectare Agromischforst. This area is afforested half with wood – and cocoa trees. The resulting ecosystem is a perfect symbiosis: In the shade of tropical trees, of which some very quickly produce plantains, cocoa trees grow. Regular harvesting and marketing this Agroforstprodukte leads to early distributions. While in pure forest investments capital employed, usually up to 25 years is bound, CacaoInvest investors already received regular payments from the second year.

Overall, ForestFinance predicts a return of up to 8.5 per cent (internal rate of return) per year from the marketing of organic cocoa and wood, as well as the income from the sale of seeds and CO2 certificates. Despite the economic crisis prices are paid for cocoa currently, because his growing all over the world can keep up with the demand. Due to the climatic limitation and multi-year lead times, an expansion of the global cocoa tree crops only to a minor extent is possible. The cocoa tree grows up to 20 degrees of North and South latitude, where the climate is humid low volatility since the cocoa tree can withstand no temperatures below 16 degrees due to the air conditioning only in tropical areas. He is up to twelve metres high, on cocoa plantations of cacao tree but to facilitate harvest and because of the shade needs to a maximum is trimmed five metres above sea level.

Club Million

Madrid “Real” – the richest football club in the world. The new president of Madrid “Real” Florentino Perez began to fulfill the promises (buy Kaka for 67.2 million euros for Ronaldo and 80 million), which he recently gave the presidential elections in the club – once again a great team, worthy of the glory of “Royal Club”, which is nine (!) just won the Champions League. Where does the money the club at such tremendous cost? Most portion of the proceeds ‘Real’ provides a television contract with the company ‘Mediapro’, which paid $ 1.1 billion (!) euros for the rights to show matches “Real” for a period of seven years. Thus, the ‘Real’ in a single season earning 135 million euros only on TV broadcasts of their games, add more revenue from advertising contracts – 129 million euros. Revenues from the home matches of “Real” to “Santyagu Bernabeu” – more than 100 million euros per season (fantastic figure for Russian clubs). Despite the global financial crisis, the profits of Madrid “Real” in season 2007 – 2008 totaled 51 million euros.

In the 2008-2009 season the club budget for the first time in history, exceeded 400 million euros and operating profit 58 million euros. Budget “Real” is three times the budget of all clubs in the Russian Premier League put together. I must say not all is rosy in the financial position of “Real.” Debts “Real” in excess of 100 million euros, but they look very big on not Compared to other Spanish football clubs who have more serious financial problems. Collaborates Madrid “Real” and the largest bank in Spain and Europe – Banco Santander. Bank Banco Santander crisis has not spared too party. The volume of outstanding debts of the bank in 2008, has more than doubled – to 14.2 billion euros and operating profit in 2008 decreased by 2% – to 8.88 billion euros against 9.06 billion euros a year earlier. The bank has spent 350 million euros only for the payment of compensation to customers affected by the financial machinations of American billionaire Bernard Madoff. In general, the bank lost in the “pyramid Madoff,” over 2.3 billion euros.

But what would have been financial losses to the bank, and Soccer in Spain – is sacred! Management of the bank Banco Santander only in June 2009 provided the Madrid club a loan of 70 million euros for the acquisition of a player Manchester United and the Portuguese national team Cristiano Ronaldo. The remaining funds for the purchase of Ronaldo’s ‘Real’ isolated from the club’s budget. In addition, the “Real” bought out “Arsenal” for EUR 10 million Spanish winger Jose Antonio Reyes. Following the shopping Brazilian Kaka and Portugal Ronald, is preparing to purchase midfielder ‘Liverpool’ Xabi Alonso and striker ‘Inter’ Zlatan Ibrahimovic. Apparently, the club will have to refuse the services of nine players who played poorly last season. By the fall of 2009 , a new team of “dreams” will be created, and the season 2009 – 2010 is planned to the club, as the international season wins Madrid “Real”.

Decoration Of Dormitories

Decoration of Dormitories: Like everything what it surrounds to us, the decoration of our house will depend on our tastes, our personality and even on our state of intention. But often when choosing the colors that are going to predominate in our home it is necessary to have in account some things but like the natural light, the dimensions or what those colors contribute to us. In this decoration of the dormitory of the photo inferior the asymmetry has been chosen as you can see, the lamps of the two small tables are different, the same small tables is different to each other, has the same height nor color not even, but for it is better has stayed the same tone in the lamps and similar forms in the small tables. To decorate a small dormitory usually is a very difficult task, but there are some resources that can cause that they are seen well, and most important, than we do not feel bad in a so small space. We showed some ideas to you. To this dormitory a cabin aspect has occurred him. It was only furnished with a wood bed of century principles, the walls and the ceiling is places setting with pine tables, placed of horizontal form and painted of white lacquer to give to the impression of more amplitude and light. In order to still gain more space, the window is abre towards outside, and was done of extended and horizontal rectangular form, to give a panoramic view of the landscape, which extends the space.

In order to have illumination near the bed in nocturnal hours, a lamp of metal to the flank was placed. In order to create a sensation of comfort and privacy, the walls were guinea fowl of greenish brown color until certain height. A great mirror expands the space, reflecting the light and the vibrant red color of the pillows. Satin eiderdown gives much light. In the head an old weave has been placed in which mirrors and different old pieces were hung. In this room which has become is to place a curtain to cover the closet, which gives a greater sensation of space, since thus it does not give the sensation of " to come encima". Decoration of Dormitories But on decoration in: Decoration of Rooms. Author original and source of the article.