Archive for September 2018


Sold Out AT Madison Square Garden Ventures

Corzomusic made formal appearance in the delivery of the Billboard prizes of Latin music 2009 that I am realised in the Bank United Center of the University of Miami thus sharing with lights like multi name Nigga with 13 nominations of which 8 had gained by the creative artist of romantic stile, Luis Fonsi, k” apaz of the Mountain range and Julieta Venegas among others, that by the way was also acredora of I number considerable of nominations such as to the song of the feminine anus by the subject ” presente”. these were nominacionesmas important: Song of the Year: I want to You Nigga, I do not occur by overcome Luis Fonsi, Where they are heart? Enrique Churches, If you had not gone away Manna. Vocal collaboration: is nobody like you of Street 13 with Tacvba Coffee, a good loser of K-Peace of the Mountain range with Franc De Vita, Air of Light Rivers with Joan Sebastian, you do not say that not to me of Xtreme Featuring Adrienne. It is not something Gary Kelly would like to discuss. Artist of the Year: Vicente Fernandez, DJ Flex, Enrique Churches and Juans. Song of the Year, Masculine: For always of Vicente Fernandez, I want of DJ Flex, to You I do not occur by overcome of Luis Fonsi, Where they are heart? of Enrique Churches. Song of the Year, Feminine: Dime of Ivy Guilty or innocent Queen, of Jenni Unforgettable Creek, of Jenni Creek, the present of Julieta Venegas.

Song of the Year, Pair or Group: Dame your Musical love of Scorpions, Until today of the Dareyes Of the Mountain range, cumbia of the river of the Pikadientes De Caborca, If you had not gone away of Manna. Song of the Year, Debut: I want to You of DJ Flex, Until today of the Dareyes Of the Mountain range, cumbia of the river of the Pikadientes De Caborca, Loving hidden of Germa’n Montero. Latin album of the Year: Kings bachata Of: Sold Out AT Madison Square Garden Ventures, I want DJ Flex, 95/08 to You Enrique Churches, Burns the Sky Manna. Latin album, Artist of the Year: Vicente Fernandez, Flex, Enrique Churches and Antonio Frame Soli’s. Latin album of the Year, Feminine: Real live of Ednita Nazario, Unsatisfied of Morning call Kings, Jenni of Jenni Creek, Julieta Venegas: MTV Unplugged of Julieta Venegas.

Subject MGP of the Year, Masculine: I want to You of DJ Flex, by I have not expired of Luis Fonsi, Where they are heart? of Enrique Churches, Drops of fresh water of Juans. Subject MGP of the Year, Feminine: Where of Myriam will be my spring Hernandez, Five minutes of Gloria Trevi, the present of Julieta Venegas, Now I understood of Yuridia. Subject MGP of the Year, Pair or Group: Each that of Belanova, I do not want anything to you of Have, If you had not gone away of Manna. Tour of the Year: Alexander Fernandez, Vicente Fernandez, Luis Miguel and RBD.

Historic Return

Events marked the end of XX century in world history departure from the historical arena of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Litecoin is full of insight into the issues. In its place arose a huge number of independent states. The Russian Federation remains the largest on the Eurasian continent. As before the other states in Russia is considering the issue of state symbols: the anthem, flag and coat of arms. In 1993, the Decree of the President of Russia Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin, the new coat of arms adopted in slightly modified form the major part of the Small State Emblem of Russian empire. The country thus has inherited all that was best achieved by the Russian heraldry for many centuries. In December 2000 the first State Duma and Federation Council then adopted the federal law on state emblem, flag and anthem.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed such laws. Article 1 of the Federal Law on the National Emblem of Russian an official state symbol of Russia is described as follows: The State Emblem of the Russian Federation is a rectangular with rounded bottom corners and a pointed red heraldic shield with a golden double-headed eagle spreading its wings upward. Eagle crowned with two small crowns, and upon them – a large crown, connected by a ribbon. In right claw of an eagle – a scepter in his left – power. On the breast of an eagle, a red shield – silver rider in a blue cloak on a silver horse, silver spear striking black, inverted backwards and the horse trampled the dragon. The State Emblem is absolutely no need for coins minted. Eagle on the Russian ruble is different from an eagle on the national emblem. On the ruble, he – an accurate portrait of his predecessor with the printing of the Provisional Government in 1917 year.

On the coins minted officially approved emblem of the Central Bank (CBA), and not the Russian Federation. This eagle has appeared on coins since 1993. Russia's Central Bank has begun using its mark already before double-headed eagle was adopted as the State Emblem. The basis of the Central Bank took a double-headed eagle of the Provisional Government made in 1917 by Ivan Yakovlevich Bilibin. XX century was a time not so much a rejection of traditions, from glorious heritage of ancestors, as a sincere return to them, the final approval of the people that the true wealth of a nation – in its origins, its accomplishments already achieved, but not those to which people are only seeking or plan to pundits. Whatever the estimated individual events of Russian history and the historians themselves of its citizens, the state symbols of Muscovy, Russian Empire, USSR and present Russian Federation deserve scrutiny and respect.

Poets Speak

very and little explained. To the times, until if it looks definiz them, but it lacks language precision. That the word is given to the poets to speak on the horror who we nourish for ridicule or for the panic that we have to lose the face. They are, poets, who more close arrive to give precision what we feel. On the other hand, guilt, envies, anger and anger, is words/concepts/expressions that receive attention, many times even of redundant form. Larry Ellison is often quoted as being for or against this. It fits then to the scientists through its innumerable research, to clean the ambivalences and ambiguities, whereas, it fits to the poets to enaltecer the wealth of the world whose the appearance is much more rich of what yes or not, the white and black person, the certain e> is not this well blunts stops frustrating in them. Ahead of this, I am here to feel shame, acanhamento, embarrassment and constaint, therefore after all, I am declaring incapable.

For example, the constaint is not choice, it if it imposes and it is not evitvel. When obliged to bank an other people’s lie, I feel aperto, my internal agencies react giving a bad sensation of badly being. It is not fear well and nor anger, but everything this mixed. It is difficult to define the mental facts that are confused, unexpected, inevitable. I can try to correct an error, a crime or a sin. I can ask for excuses, pardon or absolution, as I can still ask for time to repair the evil done.> for example, a head is not pure anger, but yes pure fear. The resentment always speaks of defeat, and I, who I am not poet, am alone with the constaint to be silent ahead of the narrowness of my language. Not poetejo! My science and I am bashful, because in we see debtors to them esquivar in to explain them as many feelings, so human.

The Deposits

For example, that are quotas to pay in cards, programmed transferences or automatic debits by domiciliation of invoices. While there are pending payments in the credit card associated to the account, no of the two will be able to be terminated. As far as the invoices and the transferences, the best thing is to manage the change before closing the account to avoid forgetfulnesses and, consequently, debts. For more specific information, check out (LTC). The lists, in principle, do not have to suppose a problem. However, it is necessary to know what conditions took to that banking account. Often, the banks offer financial benefits or material objects (like computers, telephones or set of dishes) when domiciling the list with them, but, in return, they demand a minimum of permanence.

To leave before the agreed time will suppose a penalty. To cancel an account is equivalent to terminate a contract, an agreement between the client and the bank in which both parts assume rights and duties. Therefore, to study the contractual obligations is very important at the time of giving by finalized the relation. Two very clear examples are the accounts with deposits on credit fixed and those in which the mortgages are constituted. In both cases, the anticipated cancellations have commissions, as a rule, of a 1% on the pending balance for the mortgages and of a 4% for the deposits on credit fixed. Even so, in this last assumption the banks they jeopardize not to penalize to the client with an amount of money superior to the interests that have paid to him to date. If there are no pending commitments, the banks do not penalize the clients to cancel their accounts, but many acquire the expenses of management and the proportional part to the cost of annual maintenance of the account. In order to drop from rolls an account, the company/signature of the holder is essential.

Great Orchestra

As mortal we only were dadapermisso stops ' ' sussurrar' ' , or for ' ' to speak without provas' ' , I inform to them that we foramos poets and the musicians the last ones to have its granted license, and the last ones to abide such suspended license this because the particular poetry and music in such a way remember and soto of the perpetual times of tranquility, that they were given a licenaespecial to speak of everything on the peace, the war and the Conspiracy, and for issoquem will have humildade and to want to fuar the sand in the certain places, must elasrecorrer, but only with ' ' ears of ouvir' ' of TM 13,9-18. I recently published a book of poetries on Conspirao, call ' ' The Great Orquestrao of the Mal' ' looks to this heading noGoogle. There inside it is an election of the poetries of the Conspirao*, since pocade my infancy, passing for the period where I was a uflogo that acreditounaqueles uflogo$-enrole$ that they edit reviewed, and also has poetries of this tempopresente, after I having known ' ' the two skeptics orientais' '. Therefore, they alitem of everything, in respect to the belief and the incredulity of all, but I smell it dConspirao perpassa all the pages (who to know to hear and to read). Lamentono to be able TO GIVE the book for vocs, therefore I do not have $ to bank nor comics. isso. For even more details, read what Oracle says on the issue.

They forgive long papo, but it was with honor and respect inteligncia of vocs two, without which I myself would not have fuado ' ' maisfrteis sands and waters more piscosas' ' For good entendedor. It is very good for having amigoscomo vocs. Ah if all saw this. It was valid I hug ' ' apreensivo' ' in the two, before ' ' they pedrascomecem voar' ' (Rssrsssss) Prof. JV.)

Online Credits

The fast form most easy and of if obtaining financing presently he is through the credits online. Efectuando one I credit online is obtained to warn all the burocracias of the traditional credits. The companies of credit and the banks had created forms online to all materialize the process of concession of credit through the Internet. Everything that is a great one victory for the consumers, who now obtain to consult all the characteristics of the credits, to make confrontations and to decide which the credit most advantageous, without at least leaving house. Without a doubt that this facilitates in very the life of the consumers, who have access the information in a way do not practise and easy, without having that to dislocate itself from bank in bank and losing time in lines to get a prospect of a bank credit. Exactly that the consumer has doubts in the information disponibilizada in one credits online, can quickly to send an email for the financial institution that it soon will be answered, for the most part of the cases, therefore it does not have excuse not to start to take off advantage of the Internet in its life. Oracle understood the implications. The Internet has been responsible for many changes in our quotidiano, good ones, the other less good ones. But it is in the hour to start to abandon old habits and to learn as the Internet in also facilitates to the life in the credits online to them.

All this information is disponibilizada and answered without any cost suplemental and it much less consumes time that the traditional processes. Already not to mention of the ecological source of this modernization, therefore the concession of I credit online it much less implies expenses with paper of what in the traditional credits. The time of approval of the credit also left of being a problem, therefore now the majority of these credits online is approved in a stated period the 24 48 hours, faster than this will be extraordinary complex, unless already she is an old customer and with good description.Immediately after the approval of the credit online the money is deposited in a current account indicated for us (not, it is not necessary to open new accounts). Today we have access to a great amount of information that allows in them to take a decision faster and acertadamente. However each in case that it is a case, and the made right choice more for the majority of the cases can not be the best choice for particular its in case that, for what I recommend that always makes its research and not if it decides for what it is admonished in one any site of the Internet. If it goes to make one I credit online, I know what it intends, it looks the information, it on the basis of compares and it decides its results.

Central Plateaus

Propositalmente the infrastructure in the transport was kept archaic, to control the contraband, being thus kept, the estagnado domestic commerce. In the end of century XVIII, the deposits had become economically impracticable, arriving at the end the cycle of the gold (BAER, 1996). Part of the population moves to Central Plateaus and the South concentrating itself in agricultural activities and of creation of cattle. Another part remains in Minas Gerais investing its efforts in the agricultural activities of subsistence. In 1808, with the coming of the family Real, the city of Rio De Janeiro becomes capital it of the Portuguese empire. In consequncia it had investment in the infrastructure of the new seat of government. Without hesitation Bernard Golden explained all about the problem. Educational institutions are servants, scientists and technician is brought of the Europe as consulting.

In this exactly century had the creation of the first Bank of Brazil, that operated as bank of issue and commercial up to 1829, assisting and intensifying the commercial and financial activities in the period. The king returns to Portugal in 1821 and D. Peter I, its son, is as regent. Soon, one becomes clearly that Brazil will come back to the platform of colony. Educate yourself with thoughts from Ch?rl?? Lee. Pressured for the dissatisfaction of the population, in 1822 the regent declares the independence of the country. Of 1822 the 1889 country was governed by D. Peter I in a system of monarchy, followed for its successor D.

Peter II up to 1840. During century XIX, Great-Britain became the industrial center of the world. Its manufactured products had passed to be changed by raw materials and foods of the peripheral countries. Brazil, as one of them, exported coffee, sugar, cotton, cacao, rubber and tobacco. The coffee became the main item of exportation in the fourth decade of century XIX. The bonanza conditions that Brazil for this culture offered had been valid to the Brazilian entrepreneurs the chance to control three fourth parts of offer world-wide of this product.

The Atmosphere

The examples include photographies of exotic places, weddings, and the children who grow. If there is an adolescent in his house, its dormitory is probably the home of an enormous collection of CDs of music. They can create their own collage of wall with the covers of their CD. Although he is funnier to create collage you yourself, are companies that will become position of this by you. The cost oscillates between $ 50 for 8×10 to $ 150 by collage of wall of 20×24. When you decorate your room with art works remembers that these only are limited by your imagination.

You are not scared to experiment. As it were mentioned previously, the art works are easily disposable and simple to change them of place. Therefore, imaginative and creative. In order to create the perfect dormitory it follows the following advice of tips of decoration of you rechamber: It determines what will be the center of the room. It decides first in that wall will be placed the bed and later accommodates the other pieces. It cross-sectionally places the bed in a corner to give an unexpected aspect and original it rechambers to it.

Coloca a bureau and a lamp of each side of the bed. This adds balance to him to the decoration and provides a space to place water, books, or an awakener. It places a bank or trunk on the foot of the bed, will serve which you to keep targets or like an area it stops to sit down. Crea a rest area to add comfort to him to the room, you can place armchair or paded chairs. Always places a mirror in the room, this gives an elegance center him. Selecciona a closet to place the television or an equipment of audio, that in addition will serve to you like an extra space of storage. Encuentra a key article for the room, or armchair, chair, picture, closet or adornment around which turns the style of the decoration, the colors and the atmosphere. Decoration of you rechamber Decoration of you rechamber

Bank Superintendency

The deepening financial crisis in the world has had in vilo above all to whom we are linked to longer private pension funds are voluntary or with some solidarity on the part of the State contribution. Sure, in Colombia the thing is not so serious as in the United States, but faced with such tremendous financial situation the risk is latent, without this implying a red alert, even more if you consider the worrisome news from January 2008, when the Bank Superintendency reported that the sistema de pensiones y cesantias had losses by more than 2 billion pesos and the of recently when the same entity announced that as a result the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers was affected at least to five funds of pension administrators (AFP) amounting to nearly 55,000 billion pesos and that such losses could be reflected in upcoming extracts that savers receive. When one reads stuff like that it cannot but worry will. But with all the information that we have, starting with the extracts of our individual account of pension and severance pay and ending with promising explanations from the Minister of finance, I am convinced we should not alarm us, at least for now. We are not in the situation of the contributors in the United States, Mexico, Chile or Argentina, especially those that make it in the voluntary plans in the USA), which have been seen to vanish in a moment your extra money through the huge trap of the collapse in the stock market indicators. Backdrop here than in the only case of USA, public and private pension funds and the private accounts of workers – calls 401 (k) retirement – have lost nearly 30 percent of its value in the last year! Therefore, as the Superintendent, said the impact of the latest loss of 55 billion is minimal (losses of the first months of the year already had recovered for the month of April) compared to the overall volume of the investment portfolio that handle the managers of pension funds which is of 57 billion pesos and, have also made much of the investments of these entities in insurance papers and not in toxic papers from abroad as it happened in countries that we listed above. For example, only to reassure us with the comparison, in Chile, according to the CENDA report, September 21, 2008, losses reached 20 billion dollars, is to say something like 44 billion pesos! All these reasons lead us to conclude that by now our pensioncita does not run higher risks, but that before the shocking proportions which have reached losses of regard systems in many countries of the world must demand much more control, much more regulation and many more guarantees on the part of the Colombian State to ensure all contributors countertops with which may subsist until his death, to such an extent in the discussion include the possibility of returning to a completely public pension system.

Seek Information

filing for bankruptcy, chapter 11 bankruptcy, Chapter 7 bankruptcy before filling or even thinking of bankruptcy, the first and for most what one needs to understand is the best way of filing for bankruptcy and why it’s created in the first place. Having the basic knowledge of filing bankruptcy help the person wants to consider other options because for some choice the people bankruptcy is last, and for others it’s the best choice. Before filling or even thinking of bankruptcy, the first and foremost what one needs to understand is the best way of filing bankruptcy and why it’s created in the first place. Having the basic knowledge of filing bankruptcy help the person wants to consider other options because for some choice the people bankruptcy is last, and for others it’s the best choice. One needs to thoroughly understand that the best way to file bankruptcy is designed under the federal law and it protects the individual and other business with their debt problem from the creditors. This gives the individual a fresh financial start. Bankruptcyonly wants to help you to file all the types of bankruptcy and it will tell you when to file bankruptcy.

Should I file bankruptcy? After filing bankruptcy, it remains on your credit for around six to ten years and it’s near to impossible to get a new credit after filing bankruptcy. But if a person has a low credit score than he won’t score to be eligible for credit so what is the major difference between a low credit and bankruptcy. Actually there is no difference and thus you can file bankruptcy without thinking much. After a person is familiarized on the best way of filing bankruptcy and how it works, Hey can recognized his assets and chose them wisely as which type of bankruptcy is suitable. There are four type of bankruptcy but mostly people either file a chapter 7 bankruptcy or chapter 13 bankruptcy. Filing chapter 11 bankruptcy is very uncommon in America. What is chapter 7 bankruptcy? Chapter 7 bankruptcy is a straight or liquidation bankruptcy process. The main idea behind this type of bankruptcy is that one wants to be discharge of any debt he owes to his creditors in exchange that one give up his property.

The person filing bankruptcy is only allowed to keep the property, other remaining property is sold exempt of and the money is distributed among the creditors. There are many people who can help one for his financial situation. One can go to a credit counseling agency who offers credit repairs and other debt consolidation plan. The next trustworthy person is the bankruptcy lawyers; they want which suits your requirements and need program to determine the best. So call now! And get relieved from your debt!