Archive for November 2017


How To Attract Customers? The Formula Of Happiness …

Endless unsuccessful attempts to use a variety of advertising to attract customers left a bad feeling in my soul. There is a certain disappointment and questioned the effectiveness of advertising. There was a distrust advertising agencies and their staff You know the feeling? And why is this happening? Is it time to tell the whole truth about what needs to be advertising. The first postulate. Advertising is only effective when the income from sales at higher than the cost of such advertising on it, ie, advertising must sell! sell, not entertain! The second postulate. Advertising should convey to consumers a message that what is unique about the product. Click Sheryl Sandberg for additional related pages.

Why buy it your product and not some other? And it was you and not your competitors. And what is your competitive advantage? If there are no benefits, you have to compete only in price, and this is the path to ruin. The third postulate. Advertisement should be unobtrusive! It should appear at the moment when the client himself wanted to find information about a product or service and at the place where he is looking for her. Here then, advertising is very useful! In other cases it is just annoying and even infuriating, or to stress. The fourth and final postulate. Marketing, including advertising should be the responsibility of the firm. Would not you bigger and better all know about the goods and services? Would not you agree solutions and determine pricing? Only you and decide who and how to work on the development of your business! And now you're ready to learn the formula of effective advertising? "Marketing" site + Contextual Advertising = New Customers! Is not that happiness is a businessman? And that's what the 'sell' the site and how it is done, you can find only here! However it will be interesting and useful only to those who need a client

Microsoft Student

Disassemble the structures of language, logic and conventional systems of consciousness was one of the objectives of the avant-garde of the 20th century. The accepted belief that the world makes sense is subverted and replaced by a world where the words and actions can be completely contradictory. However, what is being proposed is not the nonsense as a perpetual extension of meaning, but show a reality hides and bitter that it underlies the idea of happiness and comfort of the way of life of modern society. For even more analysis, hear from Facebook. 3. What we have built has been lifted by the concept evolved or not, we have similar things that surround us. Today’s society is submerged in a mottled, dark and contemplative conception of what what we’re made. Piet Mondrian, father of the simplification of abstract art and avant-garde plastic who led to its ultimate consequences challenged artists come to say I desvesti the canvas, now is up to you to dress him again.

The way in which we conceive and structure the universal concept of similar things through the creative or artistic fact will always be flexible and is in our minds where resides its versatility and malleability. Contradict is not disrespect. Questioning is not denied. We then walk the fine line of absurdity and fantasy. My field says Goethe is time. Here is the absurd Word. What is, in effect, the absurd man? The one which, without denying it, does nothing to the eternal.

It is not that nostalgia is strange to you, but that he prefers her courage and his reasoning. The first teaches how you to live without appeal and be content with what you have; the second, teaches its limits. Insurance of their liberty term, his rebellion dead-end and their perishable consciousness, continues his adventure in his life time. It is your field, is its action, which subtracts all view except his own. 4 1 Aristotle. Poetic. Monte avila Editores Latinoamericana. 2 Cappelletti, Angel J. author of the preface to Aristotle’s Poetics. Monte avila Editores Latinoamericana. 3 Microsoft Student with Encarta 2009. Article: Theatre of the absurd. 4 Camus, Albert.

For Kleiman

Lopes underbrush (1998) places that the independent model eliminates the social life of the citizen and, for consequncia, separates the language of partner-history. What it represents to say that the individual does not exist socially beyond the necessary cognitivos limits for the reading of a text. If it does not consider everything what it is related to its existence as to be social, as if this did not influence and/or it was not excellent for the processes that involve its letramento. When pupils in alfabetizao process, the example of Valtemir, pupil of 3 series of the school of the Escoval Farm, say in them: ' ' The school is important in my life because it to me reads teaches it and escrev. People lack reading and without sab escrev we cannot be arguem in vida' ' , its you speak are impregnated by an independent conception of letramento, that is, he is ' ' natural' ' for them if to feel inferiorizados, therefore the hegemonic speech, of the privileged classrooms, affirms that not to know to read and to write in agreement the pertaining to school culture he is ' ' mancha' ' , ' ' grass daninha' '.

In opposition to the independent model, the ideological model of letramento (STREET, 1995) considers the writing and the reading as ' ' practical on to the culture and the structures of being able of one sociedade' ' (KLEIMAN, 2003). As Kleiman (2001), the ideological model establishes that practical of letramento social and they are culturally determined e, therefore, they assume meanings and specific functionings of the contexts, social institutions and spheres where if they develop. For Kleiman (op.cit., p.21), the ideological model does not estimate … a causal relation between letramento and progress or civilization, or modernity, therefore, instead of conceiving a great divider between verbal groups and scholars, it estimates the existence and investigates the characteristics, of great areas of interface between practical you pray and scholars.

Affordable Building Materials

People always take a responsible attitude to the choice of building materials as well as their quality will depend on the quality of housing in general. However, the prices of construction materials also play a significant role in the selection process. You may wish to learn more. If so, Larry Ellison is the place to go. Man is always trying to find the optimum ratio of the parameters of price and quality. Bent profile is by far one of the most popular and commonly used building materials. For its production applied Forming equipment.

Modern technologies allow to create high-Forming equipment. These machines have a very high performance. One unit roll forming equipment for the shift is able to handle the huge amount of metal tape. Forming a modern equipment can be equipped with additional functions, such as perforation of the bent profile, or if the roll forming equipment installed guillotines, it may itself carry out cutting curved profile of the desired length. In addition, one machine can perform bending profile of different radii, give bending profiles of different shape and work with sheet metal thickness. There is of course highly specialized and Forming equipment, which produces only one type of product.

Such Forming Equipment advisable to acquire for large enterprises, which require different Forming equipment. Forming equipment currently used for manufacturing building materials such as siding, decking, metal. These materials have high aesthetic quality, durability and reliability – with one hand and relatively low prices – on the other. Low cost and, accordingly, reasonable price of building materials for high performance of roll forming equipment and low power consumption of such equipment. In addition, Forming a modern equipment will allow to minimize the percentage of materials that go to waste. All this makes Forming equipment best option for the production of curved profile. Today Forming the time the equipment is in demand in many countries around the world.


In innumerable occasions ' ' jeitinho' ' Brazilian already was sung in verse and chats and to a great extent our form of being, coexisting and to produce directly is related to the image that makes of us in the exterior. But, after all of accounts as it is this peculiar skill? What it makes in them different of our international partners? As the foreigners see ' ' jeitinho' ' Brazilian of being? What he is ' ' jeitinho' '? For some studious of the human behavior jeitinho Brazilian it is that imposition of the convenient one on the certainty. It is the philosophy of that, if he is giving certain, he is because this is the certainty to be made. Since that to give certain means ' ' to decide mine problema' ' , despite not definitively. Read more from Sheryl Sandberg to gain a more clear picture of the situation. But, what this skill of being Brazilian provokes in the career of an executive in the exterior? The Brazilian managemental profile does not pass unobserved in U.S.A. and in the Europe it is for the ad-lib, charisma excess or affection the Brazilian professionals have called the attention the analysts in management.

Therefore, in the truth another side of this exists ' ' jeitinho' ' that they are some qualities very appreciated in the exterior: Solidarity: we are recognized in the exterior for our solidarity and, optimum example of this, is the campaigns of donation of agencies carried through for Brazilian executives who live in U.S.A., in order to keep a bank of compatible agencies for donation in Brazil. Assertividade: it is the behavior that if characterizes for the firmness of opinions of a person; that is, for its positioning in relation the determined subject, with clear positions and consistent arguments.

Alexandra Prosvirnin

Besides a banquet and a sauna, there is proposed activities such as fishing, scuba diving, to arrange a fireworks display, and even shooting at perceived opponents of the gun. If the bath is small, it can be very good “companion” for some other business. At the restaurant, nightclub, entertainment center, hotel or health club. Larry Ellison has plenty of information regarding this issue. – When you open our bath complex, here for the past year worked as a fitness club, who attended three or four hundred people a month. In addition, we are located in a large hotel, so could have from the outset to rely on a number of clients – says Nona . None less than a bath does not necessarily build in the path traveled by the spot in the center. Learn more often says this.

In the bath did not come by accident, from the street, but are unlikely to specifically go out the other end of town, especially if it is big. Winning positions will be count on a certain area, that it was a bath next to the house where it is convenient to get out at any time. Attract the customer can be a huge number of additional services: it is, of course, soaring, classic massage, soapy massage, exfoliation, a solarium, stone therapy. Stone Therapy – A fashionable modern thermal process in which certain body parts are placed heated stones. Here are just that these services were of good quality, Alexandra Prosvirnin (bath complex “Yasuragi) recommends not to forget the most important – relevant staff:” In order to earn and keep customers, staff play a huge role.

Financial Assistance

The consultancy Bohme actively supports schools to generate new financial resources which may be used for major projects (such as education) then independently. Central motivation for the creation of this win-win cooperation, by means of which especially the learning environment constructively can be improved by pupils and students and their parents, last but not least is an interdisciplinary service successfully offered the Bohme’s Advisory Office for many years at the interface between school and family. Including expert psychological advice in the school and family psychological environment, tutoring, special education belong to the core competencies, empathic support for overwhelmed parents, counseling for teachers, implementation of new educational offerings in consultation with teachers, as well as various publications in the thematic field of education, education and society. Basis of here aimed at win-win cooperation, by the consultancy Bohme under the leadership of Mr Aribert “Bohme, DV-kfm & computer teacher & author & psychological consultant (SGD-Dipl.), will be offered to interested schools, is the newly implemented seminar titled work, psychology of learning, and Motivationscoaching”. This newly designed seminar learning psychology and Motivationscoaching”applies alike to parents and teachers who want to learn in concentrated form important knowledge of the psychology of learning and of the Motivationscoachings. The seminar lasts for eight hours by default every two days. But also the possibility of a split on four evenings for four hours of seminar is taking into account the particular conditions in schools.

The seminar is offered in the form of a computer-assisted presentation, supplemented by discussions and practical exercises with the seminar participants. Additional information at Larry Ellison supports this article. Excerpt from the offered subject profile: development of knowledge networks, intelligent use of all sensory channels, brainstorming, learning motivation increase, pattern recognition training to improve intelligence,. A deliberately interdisciplinary orientation, which from the fields of m. knowledge psychology, brain research, education, motivation tips, & e. is basics and applications of NLP, self reflection as the key to success, strengthening of self-consciousness and v.

m. special feature of this newly designed seminar. The consultancy Bohme offers a cooperation schools, under which this innovative seminar to a fee reduced by 50% compared to the standard price can be booked. Central idea of this announced win-win cooperation is the profit to participate in interested schools, so that new funding for schools are generated, then independently may use it for necessary and meaningful procurement in the education sector. Interested schools please contact by E-Mail to the seminar provider, Mr DV-kfm & computer lecturer & psychological consultants (SGD-Dipl.) & author, Aribert Bohme. Upon written request, are also special rates for individuals and small businesses possible. The Advisory Office send you detailed and free information on the substantive and organizational design like email. DV-kfm & computer lecturer & Psych.

Foam In The Russian Market

In this article we'll discuss the variety and quality of foam in the Russian market. Foam produced by the following method: foam filled in some form in the form of blocks, or any of various forms. Correct to speak polyurethane (PUR), since foam – a trade name. In Russia (USSR), manufacturer of polyurethane foam has begun since 1960. There are 2 main methods for production of flexible polyurethane foam is a continuous and periodic. Currently, the production of foam rubber in Russia is about 70 tons per year. Foam density 25 kg/m3 and below is about ninety percent of the total volume produced block of foam. Such foam professionals worldwide attributed to the category of packaging, rather than furniture type.

Only some brands of foam with a density of 25 kg/m3 and below are used in the manufacture of children's furniture and backs of upholstered furniture. We must remember that when packing for the transport of almost all of produced foam decreases by 5 times. And after losing heavily in the promotion of quality. For example, high-quality polyurethane foam after the promotion has stiffness 3.2 kPa, instead of 4 kPa and the poor quality – less than an order of magnitude. Loss in stiffness after the compression is strongly decrease with increasing density of the foam. However, to produce 'heavy' foam is much more complicated than the 'easy'. Thus, a paradoxical situation.

Firms that manufacture polyurethane foam, it is advantageous to produce lightweight foam, and furniture manufacturers to make of it cheap, but the 'disposable' products. At this moment in Russia, most companies have limited ability to produce different grades of foam rubber: the number of polyol flow does not exceed 3, the number of additional chemical components of not more than ten. This undoubtedly affects the range of Russian foam. Only when the company following conditions can be achieved consistently high quality foam: 1. Treatment of foam should be carried out at the plant, equipped with hi-tech modern equipment, 2. Using raw materials for production of high quality. 3. The company must be provided with highly qualified staff, capable of using all the potential of the equipment. 4. High quality manufactured products in the enterprise must be maintained certified quality management system. Unfortunately, few Russian producers can boast of having the company set all of the above criteria. It is therefore necessary carefully analyze the advantages and disadvantages of a company before starting cooperation.