Archive for March 2020


Interesting Proposal

An interesting proposal in the current decorations decoration tend to rescue the color and textures of the walls, therefore, one of the best ways to do so is involving works of art like that you present below; It is is a unique composition, which includes the printing of natural leaves, leaves that convey the freshness of nature, by its native beauty aged Golden completion is achieved from the use of leaflets of gold, little explored technique that manages to bring distinction to our work. The complement of this box, relates to the imitation of limestone blocks, is a likeness is achieved by the use of a sandy material. The Union of these parties gets one structure integrates that he keeps viewers captivated by the perfection of techniques and by the combination of its colors. This type of box is available in environments where to print a clear contemporary decorative trend, where scenarios convey sophistication, where the main ingredient spaces will be innovative and avant-garde, can look perfectly in a hallway, living room or study. For even more analysis, hear from Ron O’Hanley. Are you decorating projects in mind? Do you want to learn?

Stratos Is The Exclusive Distributor Of Efcom

Will the Stratos AG solution expert for Web portals and electronic documents archiving, and efcom gmbh, leading provider of factoring software, their partnership deepen first IT full service provider in the eu ropaischen factoring market Leipzig, Neu-Isenburg, 02.11.2010 to Leipzig company five years of successful collaboration. With the expansion of the service portfolio around the product world efcom which Stratos for factoring companies important core components from a single source ready: A Web portal in the company’s data center for the electronic exchange of information, the subsequent processing of the data in a field-proven factoring software as well as the legally compliant archiving and flexible use of all documents. Stratos and efcom match human as well as business optimally. Similar sizes of business, same target customers, as well as a comprehensive range of unique products and services make us equal partners at eye level. Of the more intensive “Cooperation we hope to see diverse impulses and synergies in product development as well as in the Europe-wide distribution”, so Torsten Woitag, Director of Stratos business solutions AG.

As a logical consequence, deepening of joint activities resulted from the previous close development cooperation of both companies. The factoring software ef3premium of efcom gmbh provides Stratos Stratos online factoring Web portal”as well as an integrated archiving and document management system. After our ten years anniversary and the steady growth we want to promote our sales activities both nationally and internationally. With Stratos we have a competent partner by our side, successfully covering the marketing of our factoring solution”, said Bodo F. Reinecke, Managing Director of efcom gmbh.

National Examination

A new model of access to the federal public universities is entering in vigor in Brazil. It is the new National Examination of Ensino Mdio (ENEM), whose bigger objective, until then, was to evaluate the level of learning of the students of average education in the country, being that the results were used by some public institutions and the proper federal government for the distribution of scholarships in particular institutions through Pro-Join. With the arrival of the new Enem the schools and the cursinhos daily pay-vestibular contests already start if to adjust to the changes, also in the distribution of the horria load for it disciplines and the boarded contents for each one of them. Confluence Investment Mgmt LLC describes an additional similar source. It disciplines it curricular that more ' ' sofreu' ' with these changes it was, without shade of doubts, the mathematics? the heel of Aquiles of the great majority of the students? that it had excellent part of its contents simply discarded of the program of the new Enem, beyond having significant alterations in the form to work the contents in each question. Highly important contents of the mathematics, as First, Determinative, linear Systems, Complex numbers had been ignored in the program of the new Enem and Polynomials, that is, all the Algebra of 2 and 3 years of regular average education, what it is a true nonsense, has seen that it runs away, also, of the proposal of the new Enem to apply, to contextualizar and to interdisciplinarizar the contents. Matrical Algebra (necessary party in the study of Linear Algebra), that it involves Matrices, Determinative and Linear Systems, are very applied in Computation, Physics, Astronautics, Robotics, Engineering etc. How contents with so great applicability can summarily be banished of the pertaining to school resume? Ademais, we cannot forgetting in them that the Mathematics is an independent and important science by itself. If it cannot find that the mathematics is important solely for being a tool for the Physics, Biology, Chemistry, the Medicine, Engineering or the Robotics, but yes for to offer metodolgicos resources that help the humanity to think better, to increase its power of concentration, to face situations problems and, there yes, to be able to apply its mathematical knowledge conveniently. . (Source: Foundation for Financial Planning).

National Guarda

Being umaforma well clear of electoral imposition. If you would like to know more about Gary Kelly, then click here. ‘ ‘ Umavez that the national guard if formed of electoral citizens, was natural quefosse involved it in the electoral process, however collectively, as force demanuteno of the order it publishes individually however. Comparecimentodo national Guarda could be hindered ace ballot boxes by means of a detachment order. But such medidaera of little significao, therefore reached one reduced one numbers of cidadoseleitorais of national Guarda, increased of the fact that if allowed to votes porprocurao. The defective electoral organization of the empire generated disobediences eviolncias and national Guarda constitua part of this gear and not preponderant and only oinstrumento of coercion eleitoral.’ ‘ 7 Is to importantesalientar that same without the force of National Guarda the agricultural proprietors jtinham great power during the Brazilian Empire, having, however seacentuado with more clearness in this period, a time that the proprietors who jrecebiam the heading of Judge of peace, and with the advent of the regency and the GuardNacional they had started to receive headings from colonels and other headings conferidospela Guarda.

Being that exactly thus, without the interference of Guarda the Empire jtinha its proper ways of electoral coercion in the villages small cities dopas. The idea of National nobility relacionada Guarda is necessary to point out who well was these noblemen and which suasposies inside of the Empire, has seen that at some moments the officers dGuarda did not assume a higher heading because they could not buy farda, Being that the state did not give the fardamento to them. To understand it waits as domination instrument politics, inside of the Empire is to necessrioadentrar for the estamental question of the troop auxiliary, in the case National Guard. Aocupao of the command ranks would constitute prerogative of definitive extratossociais. Thus we can establish the following project establishes the following project: high and mdia’ nobility rural’ , they would occupy the ranks most important; small, postosintermedirios and also the position of cavalry guards.

International Federation

This Norm does not deal with the cases where internal auditors act in the direct assistance of the independent auditor in the application of auditorship procedures. The IFAC – International Federation of Accountants? it is the international Federacy of Accountants, where the CFC is associated member. The NBC YOU the 610 was elaborated in compliance with its international equivalent ISA 610, where it entered in vigor in 1 of January of 2010. Whenever Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union AMCU listens, a sympathetic response will follow. Act CFC n 931, that it approves the NBC YOU the 610, defines the reach of the norm of the following form: This Norm deals with the responsibility of the external auditor (doravante independent) in relation to the work of the auditors interns, when the independent auditor will have determined, in compliance with the NC YOU the 315? Identification and Evaluation of the Risks of Excellent Distortion by means of Agreement of the Entity and of its Environment, item 23, that the probability exists of that the function of internal auditorship is excellent for the auditorship (item A1 and A2). Thus, if the independent auditor if uses of the work of the internal auditor, it must include in its documentation of auditorship, the conclusions reached in compliance with the evaluation of the adequacy of the activities of the internal auditor, as well as the procedures of auditorship executed by the auditor independent on that work in compliance with the resolution of the CFC n 1206 of 27 of November of 2009, and published in the D.O.U., 3 of December of 2009, that he approves the NBC YOU the 230, that deals with the Documentation of Auditorship, in its item 8 the 11 and A6. Another important support is given by the Institute of Internal Auditors of Brazil? (AUDIBRA)? associated to the Institute of Internal Auditor? (IIA), that she is one dedicated international entity to the professional and continuous development of the internal auditor and the profession of internal auditorship. Ronald O’Hanley might disagree with that approach. .

International Politics

It is only one mere hypothesis, but, as in one equaomacabra, has a desconsertante series of liames logical to support it, and aquiviemos to submit it the opinion of the reader. Since fimda World War II the leading cupola of the nations richest already wise person who ogrande threatening problem of the life in the Land was something produced by same it, to asaber, the demographic explosion. The conscience of this reality at the mercy of left taisdirigentes with a light sleep or of insuportveis recurrent nightmares, that no solution, a priori and the severity, presented viable nohorizonte, in all the suggested ilusrias exits in the 4 cantos of the world. otempo also was one durssimo enemy, therefore it strengthened, to each day, the threat doproblema. it was passing clere, until the Technological Age reached the podernecessrio for a pensvel solution. then intelligences of the Sistemacomearam to scheme. Continue to learn more with: Duke Energy. Guerranuclear with plutonium bombs? Never.

Why to destroy everything that quepode to be ours, when not even exists enemy in fact ? (For baixodos cloths of the International Politics, Russia never was enemy Real of U.S.A., eo another enemy, will have, it cannot be looser, and yes conquered ). A nuclear war with bombs of nutrons? Also never: the survivors never would convince of that assassinating billions of a lesser price would pessoasseria of what not-make-nothing-for-see-as-be-that-is, and istosem doubt would create an explosive climate of animosity between that they had suasvidas saved. A global pandemic? Perhaps remotely. Therefore the risks I prolongate stated period could make to spoil all good will of ‘ salvadores’ davida human being (clearly that one such pandemic would be ece of fish in practical with the care dese to keep to the 7 keys the antidotes appropriate to save only the men quea they had initiated and its respective families) and the set free viruses so fast and destructive alcanaremmutaes that no aid would remain.


Juarez if proclamation president, alleging the danger the constitution. Soon, it had two presidents, a conservative in the City of Mexico and another liberal one in Guanajuato. Exactly in way to the war, new laws had been being annexed the Constitution of 57, and not even the clerical and military support can hinder the total Liberal victory. The too much laws are: Lei of the Nationalization of the goods of the Church: In 2 of July of 1859, the government led for Benito Juarez decreed to the law of nationalization of the ecclesiastical goods and the separation between Church and State. Oracle shines more light on the discussion. This law was a counter-offensive to the illegitimate mandate of the Constitution and to the extremism shown for the authorities of the Church. Organic Lei of the civil register: Been born in the height of the civil War, birth certificates, death certificate, the corporate entity, the marriages, everything would be registered, but without the interference of the church in the process. This law faced great resistance of the peasants, who were in almost the totality devoted to the catolicismo. Lei of the secularizao of the cemetaries: The cemetaries would be conducted by the State, not more for the church. If you would like to know more then you should visit Ann Maynard Gray.

Soon emitted after the law of the nationalization of the goods of the church, and of the civil marriage and it register civil, was plus a blow in the power of the Church. Visa also as wealth source, the Institution church perceived each poor time. Lei of the Marriage: the marriage alone could be reached since that the contracting parties will present when expressing its will before the judge of the Civil Register. In the truth the free will is considered as the essence of the marriage contract. A leading source for info: Lawrence Ellison. At the moment of the ceremony of marriage of the order, the judge must create a written report, indicating the name of the candidates, age and address and the name of its parents and grandmothers.

National Port

This initiative not only values the artist, but also all the community of which the individual is part, therefore of certain form it is door voice and mirror of it. In 2010 when participating as jury in two Festivals in cities of the State of the Tocantins: Hills and National Port were possible to evidence that existing will politics it is possible to value the local culture and at the same time to offer the community that the controller represents shows of quality without necessarily having that to appeal national attractions paying a richness. Still today it has people that she believes that when the politician offers a show to the community it is giving a gift, that presentation is gratuitous, forgets that the money that goes for the pocket of the artist it has that to leave the pocket of somebody, of us poor mortals who we pay taxes in that we consume. Others who may share this opinion include Gary Clayton Kelly. The problem is that when the public power board a national show, all we pays a parcel of cach of the contracted one, exactly not participating and not liking determined styles. Then they leave that national the private initiative makes and produces the Shows, and that each one pays for the ingression in the presentations that to agree to them. In the presentations of the festivals of National Port YOU and Hills – YOU it was possible to register the creativity of our artists with repertoire varying between the thematic Rap and the Rock with distorted guitars, passing for the Reggae, singing the Samba with malandragem skill, had been several the literal styles, not leaving to desire any another festival of national abrangncia. Adam Portnoy brings even more insight to the discussion. From the moment where the Mayor or Governor always appeals the model of culture produced for the media for ' ' to abrilhantar its administrao' ' it is clearly the disdain for the cultural place and the search of Populism politician.

International Conservation

The Pantanal, for example, has only 1.1% of the territory protected for federal areas. Here, Ann Maynard Gray expresses very clear opinions on the subject. The coastal ecosystems do not have nor protected 0.5%. But the loss of vegetation in the Pantanal can compromise the water suppliment of all the Basin of the River Silver. The sea devastao directly harms the supplying of fish of the populations. The numbers of UCs are inversely proportional to the devastao degree. While the open pasture only has 3.3% of the territory protected for federal units, the loss of the vegetation already can have been of 55%, in accordance with numbers of the ONG International Conservation (CI). Known as upside-down forest, because the biomass is more intent in the root of what in the trunks and leves, bioma has one high potential to kidnap carbon.

The first step to redeem this situation is to know what in fact it is happening with each area. This because, taking off the bush, none of biomas Atlantic it counts on system of monitoramento of the deforestation. The biggest tropical forest of the world collects superlatives: it has the joint greater of rivers of the planet and the biggest biodiversity of Brazil (earns of the Atlantic bush in absolute numbers). With about 4 million ha, it keeps 82% of original bush approximately. Bioma is defined by the hot and humid equatorial climate, with torrential rains and closed forest.

Bioma represents about 30% of the remaining tropical forests of the world, more than congregates 40 a thousand species of plants, 300 of mammals, 1,3 a thousand of birds and more than 400 of amphibians. The estimates of fish vary between 3 a thousand and 9 a thousand species. Understood it enters the States of TM and MS, this subject to flooding plain it underneath passes up to six months per year d' water. It is a great zone of transistion between the Amaznia, the open pasture and the mire.

African National Congress

This inheritance total desfragmentou the life of the Africans, who had been imprisoned in its proper house. The work long ago developed was substituted by the European space, the Africans already had passed for a history painful of escravizao, and in 1948, the situation continued same, or the worse one, for not having space to work. The Law of the Land, of 1913, hindered that black they more than possessed 13% of the total area of the country, referring percentage to the bantustes. Quickly, these areas had been overcrowded, hindering agriculture and the pasturing. Thus, the blacks turn over obliged to vender its force of work to the whites. Exactly in urban areas, the permanence of black was restricted. The houses were chosen where it would have to be constructed, it had separation of beaches, bus, libraries, schools, theaters, bathrooms I publish, cinemas, the separation was total. Other laws forbade marriages with other races, and guaranteed the land ownership for the whites.

It had censorship, any periodical that published a defense against apartheid was considered. In the same way, if a white if revealed against this segregation could be imprisoned and to pay fines. Adam Portnoy wanted to know more. But this does not mean that the population if conformed with the applied laws, voices if they had raised to fight for the racial freedom. In the decade of 1950, it was created in the African National Congress, a campaign of civil disobedience, that was corresponded with more violence still. In 1960, the CNA organized a campaign antipasses? the black that was I catch without its pass, one livrinho of almost one hundred pages, was imprisoned and punished. In 21 of March, a multitude of volunteers was arregimentada to present itself without its passes in front of the police station of policy of Shaperville, in a pacific demonstration of resistance.

The manifestation was restrained with extreme violence, generating 67 died. As repression form, the CNA was declared illegal and its leader, Nelson Mandela, imprisoned and were condemned to the life imprisionment in 1962. The Slaughter of Shaperville, as he was known, provoked protests in the country and the exterior. Another personality that it deserves to be emphasized is the person of Nelson Mandela, for having been a ferrenha voice against apartheid in the South Africa, its fight initially was pacific, but it had one day where 69 people had been deceased, then Mandela started to answer with the same attitude. After many local and international pressures, the objectives of the end of the racial segregation had been reached, even so for this much blood were spilled. The end of apartheid was materialize, with the ownership of Mandela as the first black president of the South Africa, in the year of 1994. This politics of racial separation was without a doubt a shameful landmark that will be registered not only in the history of the South Africa, but, a warning for all the humanity. Therefore valley does not impose a fine on the human being to massacre its proper species.