Liberating National Alliance

After all, the ANL was a communist movement? These are questions that will guide our work. The existing study concerning the considered subject still he is unsatisfactory, mainly for the little amount of existing workmanships you specify of our clipping. It is necessary to pontuar the existence of three distinct moments gifts in this study. The first moment is of the formation of the ANL, as the moment is of the activities in its period of legality, and the third moment is the relative one to the illegality. In what it says respect to the preparativeses and quarrels that had preceded the inauguration of the aliancista movement, officially in 30 of March of 1935, we find two predominant trends historiogrficas: the one that governmetalist says of the influence and the one that the communist influence affirms. The first one is represented by Affonso Enriques in its workmanship ‘ ‘ Ascension and Fall of Getlio Vargas’ ‘ delegates the Getlio Vargas the paper of incentivador of this process. According to it the Liberating National Alliance was exclusive workmanship of Mr. Getlio Vargas and a number limited of asseclas, in its majority of the black cabinet and the famous bodyguard of ditador’ ‘.

‘ ‘ plan maquiavlico’ ‘ of Vargas it would be to construct a climate of unreliability capable to satisfy its designs to install a dictatorship, what in fact it occurred years later, with the implantation of the New State. This thesis, although innumerable ‘ ‘ indcios’ ‘ presented for its author, it sins for ignoring the context of claims, in Brazil, and of varied chains comings of the exterior. It is a theory conspirator who would please Machiavel. To another referring predominant chain to the period of formation of the ANL it can be divided in others two.



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