The Truth
He was for obviar this badly, , that Sergio arrived to use itself, in articles at any given time exactly published, of that one Brazilian, invented for Mario de Andrade speaks, that had enters its targets in the distance great shortening who, in the heroic times of the modernismo, was judged to separate coloquiais forms of the written literature, much marked, this, to that it seemed, for the influence of the Portuguese classics. 1. LITERARY CRITICAL HISTORIOGRAFIA AND: SERGIO BUARQUE OF HOLLAND FOR a HISTORY OF the READING Of where the frequent blacknesses where slip still today, it occurs when me to pass the eyes on one of my old writings, and that they escaped long ago, no matter how hard warned some friends to me regarding it. To the few I was only compenetrando myself of the necessity of better working my language, the least the written language, in order that the communication if made without nuisance. After this, the truth it is that it did not lack who accused to me to take care of in surplus of the good to write. We can observe that it had in century XX a categorical recognition that the language is in the center of all activity human being. It is known today that, being it produced by the complex game of relations that the men establish between itself and with the reality, it also passed to be, from the proper moment of its constitution, an element modeller of this exactly joint of relations. Source of the pleasure and the fear, this ' ' substance impessoal' ' it is a powerful resource for the existence human being, but it also means one of its first limits. To speak, to nominate, to know, to transmit, to criticize, this set of acts if legalizes and if it reproduces incessantly by means of the setting of an underlying regularity to all social order: the speech.
Tags: history