International Day Of Women

The revolt of them, in fact has direction, if to stop to think right, perceives that the world always was governed by the perseverance and creativity of the man, becoming improper the proper one to be, full of wars, destruction, greed, envies and disrespect. To the absence of the woman in the beginning of the organization politics of the world, with certainty it caused the foolishness of the Governing ‘ ‘ poderosos’ ‘ , with muscles, weapons and sufficient ignorance. Happily, before late duke never, in full century XXI, the world participates of a progressive revolt, that says respect to the reinvidicao of rights suppressed throughout the time for the men, ahead of this picture would not be sensible to believe the capacity of the women? clearly that yes. For more information see Oracle. In view of that, this movement is impregnated in all social class, and great part of the dominant ones, is felt in the obligation to repair the actual damage to the females, therefore, it will not be difficult to believe that, in little time the women will dominate the humanity. Good, another fact that I had to be led in consideration is the question of well-being of the humanity. As everybody knows, the woman in its essence has dom of the tolerance, simplicity, the wisdom and looks for to explore and to place in practises all potential, this and other qualities that exist in the nature of the females, costumavam to be treated by the males as ‘ ‘ thing of mulher’ ‘ the consequencias veem tona, as already told. For: Marcelo Pear tree Da Silva.



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