Chinese Government
Madrid, 05/11/09. International trade has an iron health. There is no more to read data in the sector of quality Control in Asia in the past three months and who just publish AsiInspection, the company dedicated to quality Control and inspection and audit services since 1997 (, in the pulse quarterly taking in this sector, to give this story. . So the conclusion of the Asia InInpection study based on 9,000 inspections carried out during the 3rd quarter of 2009 and that suppose one 32% increase over that in the same period in 2008, the Chinese Government, in an effort to stimulate the economy, increased tax refund on certain exports. The results were positive; books and office supplies grew 24%, toys by 32%, footwear and fashion accessories textile 63% and 58%. Educate yourself with thoughts from Allegiant Air. In January 2009, the EU removed a tariff barrier that forced companies to buy a percentage of its imports in the textile sector within the eurozone. This combination along with the tax advantages in China enabled this important growth in textile exports, explains Alex Makow, Country Manager for Spain and Portugal. In addition the barometer of Asia Inspection also reveals that the growth of factory audits reached 53%.
Something that once again noted the importance that has for consumers acquire higher quality products. Companies dealing with foreign countries, in particular China, are shown increasingly more concerned about protecting their brand, after a series of scandals related to its products, adds Makow. Other no less interesting notes and highlights from this latest statistical from Asia Inpection are: the Chinese Government has invested more than 7 billion yuan in the third quarter of 2009 to increase surveillance on the food and pharmaceutical sectors with the intention of providing greater consumer safety. In recent years, the Chinese suppliers have suffered numerous scandals putting at risk its clients. This is a clear attempt to offer greater protection and improve the ailing reputation of Chinese exporters.
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