Fishing In Spring
For most anglers it is the long-awaited spring time. In most of Russia through the winter water under the ice shell, and not all fishermen love to catch this time of year, who because of the cold, and some of the remoteness of fishing areas. As was discovered only ice on ponds, just hundreds of fishermen from the float rod flock to the lakes, the main prey for them is a carp and perch. The main bait used to catch the worm and maggot. The second most popular place fishing this river.
On rivers with a calm passage home to any fisherman's favorite trophy pike is. She caught several ways, first and most popular is the supply of live bait, the second most popular is spinning. Supply consists of fishing line attached to the shore or stabbed in the bank to stick with fishing line, the second end of line is equipped with a hook, which sits on live bait, any medium-sized fish. This gear is usually left thrown back at night and check in the morning on her number with pike can be caught and catfish. Spinning for pike fishing fishing line is not equipped with, and a braided cord, it is more durable and tear sharp teeth bite him.
Spinner baits are lures and kolebalki, wobbler, Popper, devons. A very good account of themselves brand manufacturers, spinners: mepps, bluefox, wobbler: rapala, daywa. The third most popular place is a mountain river fishing. On the mountain rivers catch grayling, Lenca, trout. Grayling caught on artificial lures, flies. Fishing Rod with a float fishing, float just brilliant, so was clearly visible in the swirling stream of wet fly hook position. Lenka catch Nate same spoon and a wobbler as described above on a pike. Taimen are caught mostly at night Mouse on time, the day takes a very large spoon. Mouse – artificial bait imitation of the eponymous rodent.
Tags: Fishing, hobbies & crafts