Monetary Policy
What will make the Central bank of Chile in the next meeting? The dilemma is more complex than it seems at first because on this decision it is due to also consider towards where it will move the EDF, since majors differentials of rates with the EDF, can make difficult the competitiveness of the Chilean economy through a greater appreciation of the type of change. The uncertainty about which it will make the Central bank reflects in the market. For the Bci company Investments: ” In spite of the thin economic growth, the numbers of inflation take to us to think that the Central bank will increase in 25 registration points its rate of instance next the 13 of marzo” , whereas for the economist head of the Group Security, Aldo Motto: ” The inflation data essentially are determined by this rise in the electrical accounts but this is going away to standardize in next meses” , consequently it hopes that the Central bank maintains the rate without changes. So far, the signals of the monetary authority in drafts of the last meeting are not favorables: the Council esteem that although the future trajectory of the TPM (Rate of Monetary Policy), will depend on the new information that are accumulated and on its implicancias on projected inflation, cannot be discarded that it is necessary to again fit the TPM of form to assure the convergence the inflation to the goal. Of particular importance for this it will be the development of the international scene, the persistence of the recent exchange appreciation and the possible propagation of the inflationary shocks of the year last to other prices . Something to worry more? Yes the dollar in Chile reached its minimum in the last 10 years in relation to the Chilean currency.. Get more background information with materials from Ch?rl?? Lee.
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