Fiscal Surplus
Now already we know that the culprits for the crisis are ' ' the whites of eyes azuis' ' , we are well tranquilos. But who is the culprits for the bad management of the budget of the government? In day 31 of March it was announced that the combination of fall of prescriptions of taxes with the increase of the expenditures, in still bigger speed, fragilizou the public accounts in the first bimaster of the year. The economy that the federal government makes to pay the expenditures with interests of the public debt – the call primary surplus – fell 85.1% in the two first months of 2009. A tumble of R$ 17,53 billion in relation to the surplus of the first bimaster of 2008. Add to your understanding with Capital One. In the passed month, the central government had a deficit of R$ 926,2 million, first resulted the negative one in February months since that the government started to calculate the pointer, has 12 years. In the bimaster, the primary surplus of the accounts of the central government (National Treasure, INSS and Central banking) closed in R$ 3,04 billion, before R$ 20,58 billion in 2008. For even more opinions, read materials from Southwest Airlines. The challenge is great because the commitment of the government it is to generate, in the first quadrimestre, a primary surplus of R$ 17 billion.
The analysis of the accounts indicates that the expenditures of the central government had grown 19.59%, while the prescriptions had fallen 3.05% in the bimaster, because of the impact of the deceleration of the economic activity in the collection and of the fiscal disinvestings of a charge. In 2008, the opposite occurred: the prescriptions grew 19% and the expenditures, in lesser rhythm, 14.8%. This bad performance of the central government finished compromising all the accounting it public sector (state Union, States, Cities and), in this beginning of year, according to data divulged for the Central.O Bank fact is that the fall in the collection has repercussion in all the social structure of the country, therefore harms states and cities that depend on the resources of taxes of the federal government to keep basic services functioning. J last week the Government corotu R$ 25,4 billion the budget of areas coom education, investments and public security to adjust accounts to already foreseen fall in the collection. But it did not move in cronogrma of desalrio readjustment of the bureaucracy, that will go to consume R$ 175 billion in next the four years. In the first bimaster of 2009 the expense with servers only added R$ 27 billion, while the expense with investments – that one that makes the economy to turn and to generate jobs – was of only R$ 2 billion. Excusing to the ciphers and the bad notice of who you find that the Government will go to deduct the fall in the collection of the federal taxes? Appositive that they will not be of ' ' whites, of eyes azuis' '. It waits and it confers the next increase to taxes.Bibliography: Magazine of the Week, edition 82 of 09 of April of 2009Jornal the State of So Paulo, edition 42,169 of 01 of April of 2009
Tags: economy