Russia Debtor
Even the laws that regulate the activity would collection agencies in Russia are only at the level backroom discussions: that would be nice to develop such. Antikollektory say that often can not see the proof of debt. Even the most key – the original loan agreements between the bank and the client. A related site: Ch?rl?? Lee mentions similar findings. – All collectors, mainly refer to the fact that they are under contract cession are entitled to claim the debt from the debtor, – says Yulia levantsova. – When we ask to show documents that prove the right to require the agency debt from the debtor, starts running around the offices, searching for all safe. Sometimes reaches the point of absurdity: come for the debtor of a bank, and collectors bring the agreement made with another bank.
When you look at these papers, develops a vague idea about the legal basis for action collectors. It is noteworthy that under the terms of assignment, ie the assignment of rights Requirements – a prerequisite – notification of the debtor. By law, the client must get out of the bank paper in which he is informed that his duty referred to a collection agency. Usually, collectors show such papers on his behalf – is an afterthought. This is also a violation of the rights of the debtor. By the way, collectors are working with the banks under the so-called precession, that is, under the contract of assignment of the claim. Suppose you had a bank of 1000 rubles, including all penalty payments, and collectors need from you is 1100 rubles, taking hundreds of itself.
Tags: man and the law