Berkshire Hathaway Company

Sometimes in the world are born some people who thanks to his vision of life and its capabilities, manage to stand out among others, as they always seeking to realize their dreams, with great strength of entrepreneurship, making everything that this in your hands to be able to achieve success and enjoy those things with which always dreamed, and which were the reason by which strove for attaining return reality ideas that were taken. Among the various cases of people with this provision against life, in this article will speak, about a person who is positioned as one of the most influential people in the world, thanks to its great capacity for entrepreneurship, who is Warren Buffet, who has managed to become one of the people most wealthy of the world thanks to its various activities in such fields as investment and business development activities. Edward Warren Buffet, was born on August 30, the year of 1930, in the city of Omaha, in the State of Nebraska, United States of America, who had as influences in their way of living by their parents, who were one runner’s bag and the other Member of Congress. Since childhood is characterized by being a very independent personality, always looking for different ways that you were useful for sources of money. Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union takes a slightly different approach. So between one of the forms of labour in which he served was distributing periodic, which possibly was one of the reasons that sparked his interest in media communication, that would be one of the investments more important that would carry out Warren Buffet, among which is performed in the Washington newspaper post, which I mean one of the investments that larger fruits has given Warren Buffet. Already in its stage of professional studies, at the University of Nebraska, where he studied business, he could meet one of the major influences on the development of his life, who was the renowned and legendary Benjamin Graham, which is recognized as the father of the investment in value.

Warren Buffet, began to make a great career in investment and business activities, jobs which could get good income and with their work and perseverance has become one of the largest investors in the world, so much so that is currently the largest shareholder of Berkshire Hathaway Company and as if it were not enough, today boasts a very significant capital, estimated at $ 62 billion, whereof possession as the person more rich of the world, according to the Forbes study, this think on February 11 2008. One of the features highlighted in Warren Buffet, is its philosophy of personal austerity. A point that is worth highlighting of Warren Buffet, is that it is a philanthropist because he has made several important charitable works, also think donating his fortune, which in large part would be a contribution to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

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