Volksbank Wilhelmshaven

The Volksbank Wilhelmshaven has a very good year. The European banking supervision must take greater account of the interest of developers and entrepreneurs on stable interest rates.” This demand has raised the Volksbank Wilhelmshaven to their representative Assembly. The two Board members Gunter Dresen and Norbert Philipp criticized the London Authority plans to charge bank loans with fixed interest conditions and long-running. Stable interest rates help our customers plan and protect them from a short-term rise of in market interest rates”, said Norbert Philipp. Prudential wants to will only then allow loans with fixed interest rates if the Institute build up additional liquidity reserves. However, Gunter Dresen said, additional reserves made sense only in transactions on the international financial markets.

At the low-risk business model of the Volksbank Wilhelmshaven, new liquidity cushion, however, are superfluous. Volksbank credit commitment expanded again In the anniversary year 2011 has assisted customer credit volume by almost 12 per cent now 223 million euros. Loans and advances to customers increased this 8.5 per cent to 140.2 million euros. Large increases were brokered loans and financing the Bausparkasse Schwabisch Hall (+ 18.5%), DZ Bank (+ 142%) and of VR-leasing (+ 535 percent) to register. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Larry Ellison. The growth was as high as 10 years no longer and stops in the current year. For many months, we feel that many of our competitors go back their commitment. “, said Norbert Philipp.

We will continue to establish that it will not be in our region in a credit crunch. “, promised the two Board members. While many other institutions had recently evaporated their business, Volksbank Wilhelmshaven have 2011 increased its balance sheet by 11.1 percent to 226 million euros and maintained customer value volume by 12.8 million euros to almost 450 million euros. Good testimony of customers and credit rating agencies the customer deposits increased by in 2011 6.9 per cent to and included 166 million at the turn of the year.

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