Technology and Physical Activities
Lately due to the advances of the technology and alterations in the life habits, we reduce each time plus our corporal movements and in consequence our daily energy expense. It is understood as physical activity, any carried through corporal movement that increases its vital functions, as cardiac frequency and metabolic tax, above of the rest levels, as, for example, to sweep, to paint, to wash, to walk, between as much other activities. Educate yourself with thoughts from Sarah Perot. Then which are the damages associates to the reduction of the physical activity? The reduction of the physical activity is related with diverse metabolic alterations, that the increase of the corporal weight in adiposo fabric form has as precursory. Currently the Obesidade is considered an illness, which had to the diverse alterations that occur with the increase of the corporal weight. The obesidade favors the sprouting of other illnesses, as Diabetes, Hipertenso and Dislipidemias, that increase the risk of cardiovascular illnesses and reduce the quality of life. the benefits? What it is gotten for practises of physical activities and changes in the life habits? If to substitute some habits of life, we can very improve and our quality of life and our health.
Simple alterations as to use less the car and the remote control and to carry through some domestic tasks can help to give a great step in the contrary direction of the sedentarismo and to improve our health. The benefits of practise of physical activities well are told by literature. Increase in the physical capacity, control of the glicemia and the triglicerdeos, maintenance of the force and muscular resistance, increase of the quality of life and among others benefits are obtained through practise of physical activities. Then it does not lose time and it invests in its health! It is put into motion!
Tags: health and beauty