Starry Sky

A sure sign of varicose disease – the spider veins. It is these stars show the most vulnerable places in your vennoy system that are vulnerable to poyaleniyu thrombosis. Varicose disease to a greater extent their are unpleasant and bring as many people think only discomfort. But in fact, varicose veins can say about your vennoy system is much more than you think, because their presence is a dangerous foundation for development of a worst diseases. Although make your own beautiful feet, we go to the gym, beauty office, ask the massage therapist offers … And it zapamyatyvaem visit phlebologist, special according to the healing of varicose disease.

And it is in vain. Almost everyone thinks like spider veins – red spider translucent skin through the capillaries, but nothing more small cosmetic flaw. Unsightly, but the damage for being the least. To the chagrin, perhaps not that way. The appearance of spider veins – Wotan of raneshnih no joke signs of the disease, which is called varicose veins continued. Hidden danger of varicose veins, a difference of cellulite, and subject to the ladies, and representatives of the stronger sex. Truth is, the beautiful floor he faces 3-4 times more often. However, by the age of seventy years the number of affected boys and give comparable.

In guardians or granny-grandfather was a varicose disease? Then a chance of becoming her you significantly increase – the location of veins is transmitted to the disease, "according to an inheritance." Sukrolnost and reception contraceptives still have every chance to provoke the formation of varicose disease. Cooks, barbers, doctors, accountants, programmers, reporters, secretaries, merchants, bank employees … Varicosity elects its own victim of those whose service is connected with a fixed way of life. It is worth to remember and tarry on the number of which we are "in transit" – because of the car driving or in public transport.

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