PCR Technique
For the amplifications, they had been used primers OPA-17, OPA-19, OPX-06, OPX-16 and primers tetranucleotdeos (4 AAGC) (GGAC) 3T. The amplified DNA was fracionado in gel of agarose 1.4%, prepared with etdio bromide, in electric field 5 V.cm – 1. The bands of the gel had been visualized and photographed under ultraviolet light. The populations of Inga had been compared between itself for the standards of bands produzidos.RESULTADOS and CONCLUSESA RAPD technique allows to investigate variations in the genome being based on the number and size of the amplified fragmentos. Comparing the eletroforticos profiles supplied by marker RAPD in the preliminary results, it was verified that the two groups, previously separate for significant morphologic variations in the fruits, had produced eletroforticos profiles similar, what it suggests to be about species synonymies. As it was not possible to get a satisfactory result that doubtlessly characterized and identified the studied populations of Inga, it was followed with the use of one known technique as SPAR, that generates effective molecular markers in plants and animals (GUPTA et al., 1994).
The amplification, as well as occurs with the RAPD is carried through way PCR and the peculiarity of the technique is the job of an only one to primer with the repetitive sequence of a microssatlite. The difference between the two methodologies inhabits in the sequences white of the starters. While the RAPD uses to primer that it was drawn without aiming at, a priori, the amplification of determined segments of the genome, technique SPAR amplifies the region that intercalates two blocks of microssatlites. Consequently, the result of the SPAR can be interpreted as a mapping of microssatlites in the genome of the studied organism. Primers SPAR with tetranucleotdica sequence if has shown efficient in the production of polimrficos standards informative intraespecficos (GUPTA et al., 1994) and interespecfico (FERNANDES-MATIOLI, 1999). Of this form, the SPAR technique, would be important in the identification of the one or fragmentos exclusive of an only population, disclosing with this degree of molecular polimorfismo of the individuals.
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