The Value

… They form a sequential art, an emblematic projection of the life, an analogous appearance of the type common experience that if always bases on the social facts … A related site: Phil Vasan mentions similar findings. flowing through the times. Hollander defined clearly a point of view on a secular context, where the fashion and the art had been born of a social context and its concepts go moving during time. However other authors consider the fashion and the art as being simply expression forms human being, and that the fashion takes the function of artistic instrument. Another proposal is of Souza (1996, p.40-41), mentioning it question of the movement in fashion: … while the picture alone can be seen of front it decrees and it in always offers its stopped face to them, the clothes not only lives in the fullness of the coloring, but of the movement …, recompondo it each moment, playing with the unexpected one, depending on the gesture, is the most alive fashion, more the human being of the arts. In this perspective, Souza brings the quarrel the question of the movement, almost that making a relation to the performance concept, that will be studied ahead, as being essential part for the humanizao of the art.

Being thus the fashion he receives the value to give to life the work of art and to become it something that interacts with the citizen uses that it. 3.2.O ARTIST AND the FASHION the clothes is of its daily use can receive some adjectives, however something cannot be considered as insignificant or mere innocent, therefore never he will be alone, bringing I obtain, objectives to be reached. According to times and its interpreter – artist or estilista- will be in such a way the expression of an idea how much the critical one of a society. (MLLER, 2000) In this period, the artists most significant, are against the continuity of forms of the past, rejecting the cult of the perpetual beauty and the art of museum running away from artistic rules.

The Schedule

It was observed that the predominant public is of adult women. The frequency of aged was more intense in the part of the morning, but exactly thus it did not reach significant peaks, in contrast of what if it waited, a time that this square is situated in the proximity enters three homes for aged. People such as David Fowler would likely agree. These data had been collected through comment of the flow of people in the place. It is important also to perceive that these peaks are not determined by users of one same profile. In the schedule of the morning the peak is determined by the concentration of aged adults and, no longer end of the afternoon of adults and children. Also seeing a preference of the aged population of the place in at the beginning using more the space of the day, already the children in the end. No longer sector 02, that he was waited a ticket transit? what would not be characterized as use of the square? , it came another reality, the area very it is used for walked and races, complementing or not it use of the devices. The square is very looked for practical of physical activities, being the carried through walked one to the second practical one more in the place.

Although the square to present furniture for infantile recreation, this does not reveal very attractive. Amongst the children, few had been the ones had used that it, preferring to play in the area of internal circulation with its bicycles friends, in the small tables of concrete or, still, in the proper ATI, as already commented. The main behavior of the users in the studied square, practises is it of physical exercises, fact that the use of the place is modifying? what historically is used for meeting? that can be raised as a change of behavior of the population, proven this hypothesis would be possible revitalizaes in more efficient urban spaces.

National Examination

A new model of access to the federal public universities is entering in vigor in Brazil. It is the new National Examination of Ensino Mdio (ENEM), whose bigger objective, until then, was to evaluate the level of learning of the students of average education in the country, being that the results were used by some public institutions and the proper federal government for the distribution of scholarships in particular institutions through Pro-Join. With the arrival of the new Enem the schools and the cursinhos daily pay-vestibular contests already start if to adjust to the changes, also in the distribution of the horria load for it disciplines and the boarded contents for each one of them. Confluence Investment Mgmt LLC describes an additional similar source. It disciplines it curricular that more ' ' sofreu' ' with these changes it was, without shade of doubts, the mathematics? the heel of Aquiles of the great majority of the students? that it had excellent part of its contents simply discarded of the program of the new Enem, beyond having significant alterations in the form to work the contents in each question. Highly important contents of the mathematics, as First, Determinative, linear Systems, Complex numbers had been ignored in the program of the new Enem and Polynomials, that is, all the Algebra of 2 and 3 years of regular average education, what it is a true nonsense, has seen that it runs away, also, of the proposal of the new Enem to apply, to contextualizar and to interdisciplinarizar the contents. Matrical Algebra (necessary party in the study of Linear Algebra), that it involves Matrices, Determinative and Linear Systems, are very applied in Computation, Physics, Astronautics, Robotics, Engineering etc. How contents with so great applicability can summarily be banished of the pertaining to school resume? Ademais, we cannot forgetting in them that the Mathematics is an independent and important science by itself. If it cannot find that the mathematics is important solely for being a tool for the Physics, Biology, Chemistry, the Medicine, Engineering or the Robotics, but yes for to offer metodolgicos resources that help the humanity to think better, to increase its power of concentration, to face situations problems and, there yes, to be able to apply its mathematical knowledge conveniently. . (Source: Foundation for Financial Planning).

National System

Article of opinion -29/06/2010 the pupils of the basic education construct or read correctly graphical? The reply he takes in them to question the results of the external evaluations applied the public schools when the boarded subject is the interpretation of graphs. It will be that the act to construct and to interpret graphs is so simple? It is important? Our experience in classroom has shown that, supposedly, the professors are few who give a special treatment to this subject that approaches the study of graphs and tables, not for ignoring it, but to supply an occult imbalance in the addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Much time is lost to review these operations that public domain by the pupils egresses of the initial series of basic education, in the final series of this stage of education. It is not guilt of the educator! It will be that the continued progression well was not worked? Mainly from 6 year of Basic Ensino the content it could be received one better attention and being explored during the following series. J.D. Peterson: the source for more info. Supposedly not true fact. The explanation, either simple or perhaps complicated, the professors if support probably with the results of the National System of Evaluation of Educao Bsica (SAEB) that he points imbalance of the pupils to the ending of the initial series of basic education in relation to the basic operations, corroborating, perhaps in part, with the suppression of this subject and compromising the continuation in the following stages of the basic education, that will go to desestruturar all a didactic sequence of the contents, not only in the mathematics, of history, of sciences among others you discipline. It is possible to understand the land distribution in geography without knowing to read a presented graph to explore the subject? Or, it will be possible to verify the industrial production of one determined region of the country, presented in tables and graphs? This makes in them to reflect until point can be harmful to leave to at the beginning insert a content in the planning of the year. . photographs-and-the-proceeds-will-go-to-gt-ormond-st-hospital-1415739a’>Scott Mead has been very successful.

National Laboratory

The adequate use of agrotxicos is one of the subjects that come attracting the attention of some segments of the agricultural sector, a time that has implications in three basic areas of great importance in the global context of the support of agriculture: the preservation of the environment, the security of the health of the users and the alimentary security (SAINTS, 2009). 1.2. Problems of study and justification our sanitary units do not possess reports that in they can give a general vision to them in what it says respect to the register of cases of acute poisonings and crnicas of people who suffer due the share of the agrotxicos and this fenmeno is ally to the fact of that the way of share of these can closely be confused with other diseases as it is the case of the tuberculosis, malaria, dermatosis, etc. According to World-wide Organization of Sade (OMS), the publications most recent esteem that it enters diligent of developing countries, the agrotxicos annually cause 70 a thousand acute and crnicas poisonings that evolve for death. at least 7 million not-fatal acute and crnicas illnesses, had to these substances (FARRIA, et al.

2007). In accordance with the National Laboratory of Hygiene of Foods and guas (L.N.H.A.A) of the Health department, in 2008 had been notified some cases of people victims of poisonings due to the borecole consumption contends residues of agrotxicos not specified. The poisonings for these substances are conditional for factors closely related with the inadequate use, the high toxicidade of some products, the lack of proteco equipment use and the difficulties in the monitoring system. still, the picture is aggravated by the low level of escolaridade in parallel with high levels of use of these products during the agricultural activity. In Moambique works carried through relative to the control of adequate use and manuscript of agrotxicos still do not exist and if they exist are sufficiently exguos.

Nova Igua

The questions that it made and that I found that they were pertinent, I looked for to reproduce for the group, being led the pupils to perceive that the questions of them were important in the development of my lessons and that Delany was to be taken in consideration. Ahead of this, I started to be empolgado when seeing a so exponential change. It is important to emphasize that I noticed that until the group started to move. It started to have one interest in air. A professor asked to me: what he is happening with those pupils, in its lesson? I passed in front of the room and them they were compenetrados, studying what you fz? Previously, the maximum notes of Delany were 1,5 or 2,5, had now started to appear 5.5; 6.5; 8.0 and up to 9.5. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Southwest Airlines. I find that he had improvements notables. Most important he is that he had change in the human behavior of Delany.

He left of being brigona, respondona, started to be to interest for education, at last I find that the education reached this young that today must have 30 years almost. But late I was knowing, that before it bribed until the proper father; an uncle its had killed the proper nephew. This age the social context where Delany lived. The context where the activities had been developed all was the classroom. Lessons of reinforcement to Saturdays had been planned, the interested pupils had where participated.

I learned sufficiently with this experience. Professor is much more that instructor. Necessary professor to be a little: father, doctor, psychologist, psychiatrist, council member to tutor. At last, necessary professor to be an educator. OBS: I received plus a grateful surprise has one four months behind: When entering in the Frum de Nova Igua, I found a former-pupil seated in a bank. I asked: _ What you are making here, my young? What it answered: it _Estou here, exerting my profession; I am lawyer – it answered, placed the hand in the pocket, caught its card and he gave to me. I find that this is our maximum bonification.

PCR Technique

For the amplifications, they had been used primers OPA-17, OPA-19, OPX-06, OPX-16 and primers tetranucleotdeos (4 AAGC) (GGAC) 3T. The amplified DNA was fracionado in gel of agarose 1.4%, prepared with etdio bromide, in electric field 5 – 1. The bands of the gel had been visualized and photographed under ultraviolet light. The populations of Inga had been compared between itself for the standards of bands produzidos.RESULTADOS and CONCLUSESA RAPD technique allows to investigate variations in the genome being based on the number and size of the amplified fragmentos. Comparing the eletroforticos profiles supplied by marker RAPD in the preliminary results, it was verified that the two groups, previously separate for significant morphologic variations in the fruits, had produced eletroforticos profiles similar, what it suggests to be about species synonymies. As it was not possible to get a satisfactory result that doubtlessly characterized and identified the studied populations of Inga, it was followed with the use of one known technique as SPAR, that generates effective molecular markers in plants and animals (GUPTA et al., 1994).

The amplification, as well as occurs with the RAPD is carried through way PCR and the peculiarity of the technique is the job of an only one to primer with the repetitive sequence of a microssatlite. The difference between the two methodologies inhabits in the sequences white of the starters. While the RAPD uses to primer that it was drawn without aiming at, a priori, the amplification of determined segments of the genome, technique SPAR amplifies the region that intercalates two blocks of microssatlites. Consequently, the result of the SPAR can be interpreted as a mapping of microssatlites in the genome of the studied organism. Primers SPAR with tetranucleotdica sequence if has shown efficient in the production of polimrficos standards informative intraespecficos (GUPTA et al., 1994) and interespecfico (FERNANDES-MATIOLI, 1999). Of this form, the SPAR technique, would be important in the identification of the one or fragmentos exclusive of an only population, disclosing with this degree of molecular polimorfismo of the individuals.